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I hate Thanksgiving it is by far the worst holiday on the calendar. I will take that claim to my grave, nobody can convince me that Thanksgiving is a good holiday. I mean the holiday itself is great and all but I hate how we celebrate it by cooking a bunch of disgusting ass food nobody likes eating!

We eat this food one time a year for a reason. Then with holidays comes family, and my family is huge and we always end up hosting Thanksgiving dinner at our house, without a doubt.

Everyone knows that my parents will cook a shit ton of food regardless of who comes. So they all think "Let's head over to Greg's and eat there" like no bitch. Eat at home and keep your bad ass little kids there too.

Don't get me wrong some of my cousins are cool but some of them aren't. I'm already agitated because my dad woke me up at the ass crack of dawn to clean my room like we're gonna be eating in the fucking attic or something. Then he made me help clean Calums room then the living room. Mind you while doing that it was hot as shit because my mom was cooking in the kitchen. Once all that was done he told me to go do something with my hair and put on an actual outfit.

I had maybe four nice shirts that weren't long sleeve. I had a bunch of jeans I could put on but I didn't have any shoes to match my shirt. So instead I put on a plain outfit that mixed with what I usually wear and dressing up a bit.

Okay not really but who's gonna beat my ass?! Before I went downstairs to welcome my family I made sure to send all my friends a 'Happy Thanksgiving' text

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Okay not really but who's gonna beat my ass?! Before I went downstairs to welcome my family I made sure to send all my friends a 'Happy Thanksgiving' text. I plugged my phone into the charger and grabbed my key to my room and the house before running down the stairs making sure to lock the door to my room. I don't need none of the kids trying to jump off the walkway, I'd rather not have a blood splatter stain on my stairs.

"Y/n" My dad gasped as I came down the stairs. "I told you to fucking dress up!" he scolded in a hushed voice. "You did" I asked pretending to be confused as I continued to walk past him and into the kitchen. I saw my Aunt Regina standing at the stove helping my mom cook, along with my Aunt Kris.

"Hey Auntie" I waved at both of them. They both looked at me and smiled widely. "Oh my Y/n you look so good, I haven't seen you since your birthday. How are you sweetie" my (favorite) Aunt Regina asked giving me a hug.

"I've been good Auntie. And Thank you, you look good as hell too" I complimented back. She hit my shoulder softly as she went back to help cook.

"Waddup kid" Aunt Kris said giving me a fist bump. "Nothing much" I laughed meeting her fist halfway. "You beat anybody's ass yet at that new school" she questioned.

"No, not yet at least" I somewhat joked. "Not ever" my mom corrected me sending me a look. "Right, I'm gonna go say hi" I walked out the kitchen and into the living room seeing my three Uncles sitting there and the twins sitting on the floor playing with toys.

"What are you bozo's watching" I asked seeing some show on the TV. "Ayeee Y/n" they all cheered looking back seeing me standing there. I grinned giving each of them a hug. "You still playing soccer" Uncle David asked me with a beer in his hand.

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