one; or the start of her hysteria

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"Ava," the voice breathed. Unsure. Searching. In the dimly lit room, one could only anticipate and sense the proximity of the other presence. The tension was thick, filling the surroundings just as the low temperature engulfed both figures in the dark. Slowly. Blindly. Reaching for each other. Sylhava gasped as a cold hand clasped her own and tugged her non-too-gently against his chest, his pale arms wrapping around the flare of her hips. His scent threatened to engulf her words, leaving her overwhelemed with his presence and nearly losing her sanity right then and there. She knew the other person in the room, too well to be exact, grew up with him even, yet it failed to prevent the trepidation she felt thundering inside of her and the butterflies to set ecstatic motion within her digestive system.

"You know, you're a huge detriment to my mental health." Ava stated matter-of-factly, faintly out of breath with the close proximity, not minding at all the lean body pressed against her, so much so that she could feel the other's heartbeat against her chest. In fact, if she were not completely wrought with nervous energy, she might've tease him about the display of vulnerability. But not here. Not now.

A low grumble vibrated from the Zoldyck assassin's chest, and black eyes bored deep within her own grey ones. "I could say the same about you, but we both know even without my presence, you've got a screw loose under that." Illumi snarked without malice, but how he held her closer after the comment, hands squeezing her waist, only served to support the opposite of his feelings for the brunette currently trapped within his arms.

"Stupid," Ava chastised, her eyes rolling and her free hand moving to lightly tap him in the chest, but grinning widely as she did so. With the familiar action, her nerves calmed down just enough for the realization of what's to come dawn on her like a fresh bucket of water.

She knew the consequences that would result from both of their actions, but the helplessness she felt against her own desires triumphed logical reasoning. She knew she was strong enough to pull away if she willed it to, before it got too deep, before the point of no turning back. But her senses were overloaded by the smell of him, the feel of him, and with her mind on a haywire, she gave in to his temptation.

Illumi seemed a tad surprised as the brunette melted in his arms completely, molding their bodies together as the last piece of mental resistance she had tried to establish fell apart. The contrast of body warmth made Ava smile despite the situation, before the assassin made a move and steal her lips in a searing kiss. The passion and intent directed towards her full force must've shocked the hacker senseless, her lips parting in an O as she struggled to form coherency and respond. Taking advantage of the situation, Illumi took it as an opportunity to deepen the kiss, completely devouring her as if a sacrifice laid waiting just for him. A few seconds of delay and Ava found enough strength to respond back in kind force, turning the kiss into a battle of both dominance and pleasure. Their tongues danced in a rhythm they established within each other, fully in sync with one another both in the battlefield and behind closed doors. Too much in focus, the duo partially forgot the essentiality of oxygen. That is, 'til one felt the strong tang taste of iron in his mouth as the hacker accidentally biting the other, forcing the two to separate and for both to take deep breaths of much needed air with lungs protesting from being withheld.

Illumi showed no expression but his eyes shone smugly, and Ava pouted. "Aggressive," he teased. Ava responded in turn by grumbling an incoherent insult to the assassin. She knew he was hurt far worse before and paid no mind to the cut in his lower lip.

"Shut up and kiss me." Ava demanded as she laced her fingers on the nape of his neck, drawing him closer. Her stomach somersaulted with the expression she saw invoked by her words, turned on by the desire shining fiercely across his eyes, the same expression she believed mirrored on her own.

"With pleasure," Illumi Zoldyck drawled, before capturing her lips again.

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