Part 3

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In SwaSan 's Room!

Sanskar is sitting with Swara holding her hand crying seeing her like this. Her feet is fully burnt. He is crying badly seeing her like this.

Sanskar : (crying) what you did Swara? How you can do this?

Swara open eyes feelings his tears on her palm. She open eyes weakly still feeling pain.

Swara : ( weak voice) Sanskar....

Sanskar : ( see her awake hug her crying in her arm) Swara..... ( remember how she was walking on burning coal become angry) what the hell is this Swara? How you can do this with yourself? You are my life Swara. Your life is not only yours. It's my life too. How you can stack my life like that?

Swara : ( in tears) For saving your Life Sanskar. Kavita 's soul came to take you. she come inside me. To save you I had to do this.

Sanskar : ( angrily) really? By this stupidity you are saving my life? What rubbish is this?  I understand mom 's blind faith on this but you! You are literate girl how you can do anything like this? How you can believe on this superstition like this? If I didn't came to know about this you would never told me right?

( At Night,  Swara went again outside but this time Sanskar was awake,  he follow her then gets shocked listening them. he become shocked listening Vidhyapati who said her to walk on burning coal. He wait to know what Swara will do but he become shocked when she gets agreed and start walking.

He see Swara walking on burning coal become angry and stop her,  but before it Swara walk two,  three steps which cause her feet burnt).

Swara : No Sanskar It's true I myself saw Kavita 's soul. She came to take you with her. I can't let anything happen to you Sanskar ( teary eyes).

Sanskar make pissed off face listening her open mouth to say something but stop seeing doctor who come with Sujata. Whole family come in room. All come to know about everything.

Doctor dressed Swara 's feet and go from there.

Sujata : ( worried) How are you Swara beta?

Sanskar : ( to Sujata angrily) now you are asking how she is? After made her walk on burning coal? Mom how you can do this with my Swara? You said you will take care of my Swara then this care you did? You stack my Swara 's life because of your superstitions.

Sujata : Sanskar this is not superstitions. Kavita 's evil soul really came. And she always come in Swara 's body. Why you are not accepting? And I am not Swara 's enemy. I did this for you both because I am worried for you both.

Sanskar : mom ,  Kavita is died and died people doesn't come. L0 Evil,  Ghost doesn't exit. This all are superstitions of human. I know you did this because you are worried for us but mom why you are not understanding that this all are your false faith.

Swara : Sanskar mom is saying right.  We both saw Kavita 's soul in front of our own eyes. ( tell everything what they saw).

Sanskar : ( pissed off) I don't know what you both saw or not but I just know this that It's your both 's superstitions. Ghost doesn't exit So stop behaving stupid.

Sujata : Sanskar we are not behaving stupid. If this Ghost doesn't exit then why Swara is behaving like this from many days? She is behaving weird. Even she about to jump from terrace. You tell why she behaving weird from many days?

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