• T H I R T Y - F I V E •

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"Ashton are you sure I should go?" Natalia asked again but he still said a yes on the other end.

She knew something was wrong and it was chaotic and messed up but how can he ask her to go on a field trip as nothing happened

"Ash... I'm unaware of the things happening but it doesn't mean I'm not anxious or curious" irritation was filled in her voice so many questions were nagging her but he just chose to be shut. He wasn't listening to what she said. She felt like he was distracted somewhere

"Look I don't want any trouble around you so please listen to me this once" he pleaded. She could clearly hear his voice that he was pleading as if he was in pain. what has happened?? is something beyond tragic??

"Ashhh...." she called out his name but the line went dead. He just hung up on her. Something serious did happen she knew it. He is trying to save her. She looked herself in the mirror and saw her reflection she was just a problematic girl in his life then why is he trying to keep her safe? Why does he love her, she isn't worth. A tear slipped her eye even Nicholas life was chaotic because of her and now Ashton too.

"knock knock" she heard the knock and gently wiped her tear. She gathered herself and walked towards the door. Taking a deep breath she opened the door just to find Cedric standing with his backpack. First confused at his appearance she asked: "are you, leaving Cedric?" It was weird to see Cedric wearing a t-shirt and jeans with a leather jacket and boots instead of his normal work suits.

"I got a call from Xavier you have a field trip today. I'm filling Xavier's place" he said in enthusiasm unaware of the consequences and conditions in New York. Ashton's parents lived a little far away from the city on the outskirts cause his grandmother didn't like the city which never sleeps she always loved peace and greenery. A place where instead of partying a family sits together and chit chats. Natalia loved the family but a thought escaped her mind did she deserved the family?

"Everyone is trying to keep her safe. what is she doing for them just being a burden" Natalia felt sad her insides wanted to cry. She did nothing just kept being burdened on them. Ashton did everything he could from her favorite clothes to her dreams. Everything was a reality. He made sure her dreams are a reality. Yet she never appreciated it. She always pushed him away whenever she needed him he was always there. He tried to fit in his best friends shoes. Those shoes were full of thorns yet he didn't for once budged or denied. He did everything for her sake. Would she ever be able to repay his love?

She hugged all the family members and said her goodbyes. Nina made a few tacos for her as she loved her cooking while Alessia made sure she had a bag full of food. filed trips are messy and chaotic. Mark made sure to pack a first aid box and few allergy medicines in the bag. She felt like crying they cared for her even though she isn't even related to them by blood. They don't even know how much has she hurt their son. How much he has waited for her. how many times she had broken his heart? He was never the man of her dreams yet he made sure all her dreams were a reality.

He took care of her as if she was something precious like a gem and all she did was break him. Her heart felt like crying she smiled at the goodbyes and sat in the car. The ride to the college was full of memories flashing back to her like a wave of the ocean. She cried for the whole ride. Cedric was seated on the passenger seat saw from the review mirror how badly she was crying. He instantly messaged Ashton and updated him about her condition but there was no reply. He thought of taking her to the penthouse but then Ashton ordered that no matter what at any cost she should go to field trip it's for her safety. He tore his eyes away from her and let her take her own time to gather herself. Cedric has been Ashton's P.A for five years he knew the man in and out. Ashton has always been a cold-hearted ruthless person but when it comes to this women he was helpless. He knew how much Ashton loved Natalia and the love triangle as well. The world has only seen the ruthless billionaire who keeps people on their toes for work but when needed Ashton has become a great human being too.

Cedric's father was an alcoholic and in a lot of debts when he joined he was the least qualified and didn't even have proper clothes to wear looking at his hard work he paid off the debt and said when the time comes he'll ask to repay and till today the man never asked. Cedric adores Ashton for him, Ashton is a mentor he never had. Ashton taught him a lot of things from running a business to dealing with people and even helped him in many ways he didn't even know.

When Cedric's office qualifications weren't even to become a clerk, Ashton paid his full fees and made him a graduate, not just that but even made sure he knew different languages and even know how to run softwares. He hated him at that time when Ashton did all this to him but later when time passed he realized he helped him a lot. Ashton wasn't a cold and ruthless person all he needed was love that's it. The guy can be a baby if treated with love. Cedric would give away his life in a heartbeat for Ashton, the guy was like a godfather to him.


Everything was messed up. The evidence in front of him was like water to his burning ache. With the recorder that Austin has in his jacket they could see everything and what they saw shook them to death. There were listening machines connected to the computer and those listening machines were fitted in their phones and house. He immediately canceled the call with Natalia and look deeper on the screen. They were bankruptcy files. Victor Reynold was involved in a big gig which made him penny less. There were unlicensed guns in his house. What was the man upto? Austin collected all the data from his father's computer and collected a microchip which has been kept safe in the locker. Being his son he knew at least his father's passwords for everything were the same.

He left the house and went straight to the hospital to his friends. Austin knew something inside him was broken. He instantly called his mother and asked her to be at her parents' house and never pick up his father phone calls. She argued to him on the phone but he denied and said he isn't family anymore. He is into something big which can't be mended back. He has to bear the punishment. Austin wanted to cry even though he had differences with his father he still was his father. There were a lot of good bad memories with his father but then there were few good ones too.

Austin cried while driving his car, he: for the first time wanted to cry this badly and he didn't know where to go. The only person he knew who could be with him was March but then he was just like his father. A player. He played with the pretty girl's heart and she will never ever forgive him for that. He regretted cheating on her but right now at this moment, he needed her. Instead of taking the left turn towards the hospital he took a u-turn and went for March. Even though she might not want to see his face but she is the only one who can right now gather the breaking Austin.

*South Seoul*

Xavier also had a connection of the microchip he asked Tae ohh to make the proper video as a piece of evidence and ask Ji Wook to have a complete background check of Victor Reynold 'this time break the rule and have thorough check no stone should be left unturned'. Xavier for a minute thought everything was messed up. The guns, the gigs, the documents, the man was completely wasted. He pitied Austin.

He heard the notification ring on his phone it was a text from Gracy. He opened the message and there was a devilish smile on his face. He asked Joon Jae to convince Korea police for an arrest warrant against Veronica. This was her end there is no other way out for her. He took his coat and hoped in the car to meet Gracy. The message was like a new start, a fresh start.

Gracy's message: I collected the evidence.

Dear Lovies!!!
I'm so excited to end the book like all the truth is going to unfold. Please let me know if you liked the chapter by vote comment and share. And yes I'm going to update every week or maybe twice a week. Five more chapters to go!!!

Until then stay tuned!!

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