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"Tsukiko" Itama's voice shook as he focused on something below the tree we were sitting in. I followed his gaze to see a small group of Uchihas; at that moment I knew that we were in trouble.
I helplessly looked at Itama, not knowing what we should do. If we stay they would definitely see us eventually but if we move they'll hear us.
"Itama, we have to make a run for it" I whispered in a panic.
"But Tsukiko" his eyes were shifting looking at the trees around us. Finally, he realized that it was the only way out. "Ok" he grabs my hand and we start leaping tree to tree.
The Uchihas below quickly noticed the two children. "Up there" one of them announced.
I look back to see three pairs of red eyes. "Itama hurry" I look back forward towards Itama who was still holding my hand and guiding the way.
"Hashirama Nii-san should be ahead guarding our territory. We just have to make it there" Itama reassures. It was odd to see Itama lead the way; he was always such a timid and gentle boy.
"Itama, we're almost there" I could see the Denny territory approaching.
As we approached the Uchihas retreated, knowing that they would be outnumbered if they perused any further. We reached the ground and our knees instantly gave in. Both of us were on all fours, gasping for air.
"Itama" a voice boomed. Itama who was on all fours beside me was suddenly picked up by his shirt so that he was now standing. I look up to see his Father, Butsuma Senju. Tears started to form in Itama's eyes. Maybe they were from being overwhelmed from our near-death experience or maybe they were from being in the presence of his angry father. "What were you doing out there?" his father questioned.
"Tsukiko and I were just playing" Itama tried to explain himself but was quickly struck by his father's hand.
"Itama" I gasped. I knew there was nothing I could do for him in this situation. His father was the Senju clan leader and I was only from a small clan who had a peace treaty with the Senju and resided with them.
"From now on you will be out there fighting alongside your brothers. If you have time to play around and risk your life you have the time to fight and risk your life for the clan." his father finished and then walked away.
Itama and I stayed still.
From that moment on Itama and I rarely saw one another. He was busy fulfilling his duties as a shinobi and I attempt to try to enhance my medical-nin abilities. However, a few months later the news reached the village that Itama was killed. I was broken. My best friend was killed and I couldn't help but think that it was y fault since I was the reason he was thrown out to fight. I was the one who wanted to go out and I play that day, Itama only went along since I wanted to.
"Tsukiko" my mother opened the door to my room. "Why don't you go out? It's been weeks and you can't go on like this. Why don't you collect some berries alongside the border?"
I took the basket and went so that my mother wouldn't pester me anymore. Walking down the village I could feel the eyes of the other villagers following me, the whispers wouldn't stop. I knew that they were gossiping about me and how I was the reason, but all I could do was put my head down and walk.
"Tsukiko-chan" I hear someone from behind call. I look back to see Hashirama running towards me and Tobirama following behind. "What're you doing?"
"Just going to pick some berries," I said looking at the floor. I was too ashamed to look at Hashirama in the eyes.
"Are you ok?" He squats down to try to get a better view of my face.
"I'm sorry" I confessed. "It's my fault"
"Tsukiko," he said sternly. "It is not your fault. The adults are the ones who caused this not you"
"You're wrong" Tobirama finally spoke as he stood beside his brother. "Itama and Tsukiko were at fault and those were the consequences for their actions. Itama was my brother but he was weak"
"Tobirama!" Hashirama snapped, sending a glare to him as a warning. "Tsukiko, I'm so sorry. Tobirama we're going"
I bowed to the two as they set off.
"I should be the one who's sorry," I said to myself, watching them walk off.
At that moment watching Tobirama walk off I knew that I had to do something. I was going to prove to him that we were not weak. I was going to be more than just a medical-nin, but a kunoichi who's strength nobody could deny.

Tsukimi (Naruto fanfic) (Tobirama Senju)Where stories live. Discover now