Part 20

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Dedicated to renee1000

Gio's POV

I wake up to the smell of bacon, making my tummy growl. So I hop up and start jumping on the bedbed to wake Lala and Slaine up. Slaine groans and rolls off the bed, landing with a thump while Lala throws my own pillows at me.

    "What wrong with you?" she pretty much growls.

    "It's time to wake up!" I squeal as u continue to jump on the bed. "Mamman made BACON!"

Sue shoot up along with Slaine, who is till on the floor.

    "BACON?!" They scream in sync.

I nod vigorous.


With that we are all tumbling out if my room and storming down the stairs, screaming,


Only stopping once we reach the kitchen. Everyone else is already there. I launch myself  at the bowl of bacon, one to be tagged back by my hair. I fall on my face as Slaine runs to the bowl, closely followed by Lala. I reach out and snag her ankle, bringing her down, and jump over her and onto Slaine's back. He jumps around wildly, trying to get me off of him, while Lala takes the chance to go for the bacon. Somehow, we all end up surrounding the bowl, glaring at each other. The kitchen is silent.

    "Ok." I say calmly. "We split it three ways."

The nod and quickly grab their portions. We settle at the table and I notice everyone is stating at me in shock. Suddenly, my Mamman bursts into tears.

    "What's wrong, Mamman?!" I squeal in shock.

    "It's been s-so long!" She wails in between sobs. "It's been so long since I've seen you act like that around friends! Not for five years!" 

Now tears fill my own eyes. Marco gets up and wraps me in a hug. The twins join our hug, followed by Mamman and Pappan. I look over at Slaine and Lala, who I still munching merrily on my bacon. I scowl, but then smile at them.

    "Thank you guys."

They smile and wink cheekily at me. So breakfast was eventful. After that, Mamman and Pappan had to leave for work, leaving the rest of us at the house. That's when Christian starts up. He sits next to me on the couch, so I move, but he follows me. We bounce around the living room for a good ten minutes, with Marco and the twins looking at us like we suddenly have cats ears or something and Slaine and Lala giggling in the background. I knew it. This definitely has something to do with them! Finally, I get fed up.

    "What. Do you want, Christian?" I yell in annoyance, turning to face him with my hands on my hips.

    "I'm sorry!" He blurts. "About what I did, I'm so sorry!"

I huff and glare at him.

    "Sure you are."

He keeps following me around, telling me how sorry he is, until my phone rings. The room goes silent, everyone... But Marco... Giving me solemn looks. I answer the phone, listen for a while, then hang up.

    "I'm heading over to Mason's house. I have something I want to talk to him about, anyways. A little problem that needs to be sorted out." I smile tiredely at Slaine and Marco. Let's do this.


Ohhhh~ what does Gio need to talk to Mason about? And do you think that Christian's ever gonna get his chance with Gio? Poor Marco and Gio's parents are still clueless. Next few chapters are gonna be interesting. So keep reading! Comment, vote, follow. Awesomeness. Talk to ya later!

DManga out~~

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