Part 24

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Marco's POV

What the hell just happened? Pappan drove the car into the driveway and all we see is an ambulance speeding off, police shoving Gio's boyfriend, who's kicking and screaming up a storm, into their car. Then Christian comes running out of the house, covered in blood, and runs up to our car.

     "Follow me to the hospital!" He yells as soon as Pappan rolls down his window, then he's off on his motorcycle after the ambulance. Seriously, what in God's name happened? The police drive away before we can ask them anything, so we just drive after Christian, but loose sight of him quickly. He's speeding something terrible. The twins are both sobbing, they started as soon as we got home and still haven't stopped. I turn in my seat to look at them.

    "Why are you crying? Do you know what's going on?"

They both nod and start crying harder.

    "What?! Then tell us what's going on!!"

This time they both shake their heads.

    "Nicola, Nicolo, tell us now!" Mamman yells at them from the front  seat. Nicola collapses into Nicolo and he yells back at Mamman,

     "No! We can't!"

I cut Mamman off and yell right back at them.

    "Well, why not? You're the only ones who have any idea what's going on, and the rest of us are freaking out!"

     "Gio told us to never tell anyone!" Nicolo yells.

     "What?!" I shout, "Why the hell would he-"

     "SHUT UP!" Pappan yells, silencing the car. The rest of the ride to the hospital is silent, except for the sounds of Nicola and Nicolo's soft sobs.

    "We're here." He says as he parks the car in the hospital's parking lot. We all pile out of the car and into the lobby. The receptionist looks up at us as we walk in and gets up and rushes over to us.

    "You must be Mr. and Mrs. Jacobucci. Your son is being operated on right now. I'll lead you to the waiting room where Christian is." With that she leads us off to a waiting room. I swear all of us have gone pale as sheets. Gio is being operated on? Christian is sitting in one of the chairs in the empty waiting room. He has his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. His shoulders are shaking with the tale tale signs of crying. Pappan walks up to him and pants his feet with his arms crossed over his chest.

    "Now, tell us what is going on."

Christian raises his head out of his hands to look at Pappan and I swear the lower k on his face has me more scared for my little brother than I have ever been for anything. He is pale and haggard with tears streaming down his cheeks and his eyes look dead.

    "He... They said that... They don't know... If Giovanni... Will make it through the night...."

Mamman falls to her knees with her hands over her mouth, Pappan opens and closes his mouth a few times, but looks like he can't get any words past the lump in his throat, the twins break out into loud sobs again and run over to Christian and jump into his lap as he holds them, I don't move. I don't know what to do, what to think. Gio might die? I might never get to see him smile again? Especially after I've been so awful to him for the past five years? No. NO!! Tears start to stream down my face as I make my way over to my best friend.

     "Please... Tell us what's going on..."

So he tells us. He tells us about how Mason, that bastard, has been beating little Gio for the past four years. That's why he always had all those bruises and cuts. I can't believe he was dealing with that on top of having to deal with us, his own family, shunning him for being gay. All those comments about what he was going to do at Mason's house, when he was really going just to be beaten. Then Christian tells us about how he finally broke up with Mason night before last and how, when he got to the house earlier today, he walked in on Mason trying to beat Gio to death.

    "Wait... How did you already know about this? And why didn't you tell someone?!" I scream at Christian. "And you too," I yell at the twins. "Why didn't you tell us?!"

Christian hugs the twins a little tighter when they start to cry more.

     "Because Gio begged us not to. Mason threatened to do horrible things if he ever told anyone. He said he'd hurt the twins, or hit you with his car. Things like that. I knew from the time we followed him to Mason's house. Remember how I freaked out? That's why."

Nicola looks at me, sniffling.

    "Nicolo and I walked into Gio's room when Mason was over..." she trails off and Nicolo finishes her sentence.

     "We saw what Mason was doing and Gio made us promise not to tell so Mason wouldn't hurt us."

Mamman and Pappan sit on one side of Christian, with Pappan holding Mamman who is sobbing her heart out. I sit on the other side of him. I think I'm in shock. A doctor comes into the room and comes to stand in front of us.

    "Ahem. Uhm, we have Giovanni stable for now, but he may not make it through the night. His injuries were fairly severe."

Mamman looks up from Pappan's shoulder.

    "How severe?"

The doctor looks a little uncomfortable.

     "Well, he has a number of bruises and cuts, but as far as external damage, that's about all... Internally though, is another story. He has seven broken ribs, one of which punctured his left lung. His left arm and left leg are broken. He has a hairline crack in the back of his scull, so a concussion, and a ton of internal bleeding just about everywhere."

Mamman berries her face back in Pappan's shoulder and continues sobbing. I can't believe this. I can't believe my baby brother is so hurt. I don't know what I'll do if he dies... Nothing will ever be the same....


Oh. I forgot to write the an. Would it be weird if I just didn't leave one?

DManga out~~

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