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So today is my first day of school. To be honest I'm kinda nervous....for them cause I mean a bitch is bad as fuck so ion know. Ms. Regina ass woke everybody up screaming and yelling this morning.

"Jarad turn that damn music down or I'm gon stick my foot so far up yo ass. It's gon come out your mouth."

I shook my head as I rolled out of the bed stretching and yawning I opened my door. I hope nobody is in the bathroom cause I'm trying to take a quick shower.

I walked over to the bathroom to find nobody was there I did my quick lil happy dance. As I was dancing the realization set in I don't know where the towels are.

I walked over to Stokeley's room door. "Hey do you know where the towels are"

" Uh what do you mean towels" how the hell you don't know what the fuck a towel is.

"Like the ones you wash yo ass with you know wash cloths and shit"

"Oh yeah those uh yeah I don't know where those are"
Wait does he not wash or something how don't you know where they are. I walked a little further down the hall way stopping at Jarad door. I knocked once no answer I knocked twice no answer I knocked one last time.
"Bruh what do you want"

"I just wanna know where the towels are" He opened the door shirtless and... yeah I'm not even going to go further I'm not THAT rude

"Oh it's you, there in the Linen closet across the hall"

With that he closed the door rude motherfucker. Im so done with this house hold someone take me home.
I finally got my shower now we're in Jarad's car on the way to school. There's fast food wrappers and cd cases all over the floor. It's my worse nightmare I have severe ocd so even seeing this is triggering me.

Luckily we finally arrived at school. As soon as Jarad parked I hopped out the car. Stokeley got out and immediately grabbed my hand "stay with me okay."

We went off towards the school while Jarad looked to to be going to some secluded area. When we got to the campus we were met by a small Colombian boy with pink and blond dreads.

"Hiiii I'm gazzy!!"

The boy was so cute and looked so excited to see me I couldn't help but smile.

"Wassup I'm Jahseh"
We walked inside the building over to a lunch table with bunch of people.

"Y'all this is Jahseh he is my new 'house guest' make him feel at home." Stokeley presented me like i was a prize I kinda like it.

I sat down in front of the pink and blond haired boy. "Soooo let's cut to the chase you cute as hell do you and Stokeley date" not yet

A brow skin girl at the table almost spit out her chicken biscuit. I wonder what her problem is.

"Chill with all that almost got spit on my food"

"Nigga shut  up yo puppy chow will be just  fine" the girl responded rolling her hazel contacts.

"Y'all niggas are so damn rude introduce yourselves"

"Uh hey I'm Omar" a chubby faced hispanic boy said he indeed did looked like a dog.

"I'm Indy"

"Aye where's Jarad and Michael"  Stoke asked.

Oh so that's where he went interesting

I pulled out my phone to check the time it was almost 8:30 I needed to get going. I got up from the table and so did gazzy.

"let me see yo schedule" i passed him my phone. a big goofy smile spread across his face.

"Looks like were in all the same classes" 

"bet"Gazzy pulled me to the class he is surprisingly strong.

Gazzy and I have been hanging out all day and he's honestly really cool. A little dumb at times but it's nothing I can't handle. The boy wasn't lying when he said I was his new best friend.

It's the last class of the day and Gazzy isn't here. I think he got called to the office or sum like that during lunch.

I walked into the full classroom and headed straight for the back. The only seats available were next to a skinny light skin boy with dreads. I sat down pulling out my phone since the teacher wasn't talking.
"Hey you new or something" the boy asked.
I looked up from a text I was typing.

"Mmhm yeah"
The bell rung class has officially started the teacher sighed deeply. Girl I feel ya pain I don't wanna be here either.

Suddenly a brown skin boy with nappy ass hair busted into the classroom.
"Mr McIntyre where is your late pass"
The boy seemed unbothered and walked right pass the teacher over to where me and the other boy were sitting.

He sat down next to the dread head "hey baby" he pecked his lips.
I couldn't help but let an awww escape my mouth.
The boy looked up at me raising and eyebrow.

"who are you"

"I'm new my name Jahseh"

"Ohh okay I'm taymor this nick"
The teacher looked at us as if she was about to say something but taymor bucked at her. She flinched and went back to writing on the whiteboard well damn okay.
I was walking the halls looking for my locker I forgot where it was luckily I bring all my stuff with me. Suddenly I felt a presence behind me without turning around i simply said " may I help you."

"Damn babygirl what are you eating cause that ass too fat" he tried to grab a handful but I slapped his hand away. I turned around to see a cute dark skin boy with light brown eyes and what seemed to be the dents in his head.

" Why are touching me" I don't like when people put they hands on me especially my ass that shits uncomfortable.

"My bad I was just trying to get a feel of what's soon to be mine."
With that he walked away not before slipping me a piece of paper with his number written on it.

Niggas be weird

As I was getting stuff from my locker my phone dinged with a text message it was from dadd.... I mean Stokeley.

My Future🤤❤️: meet me and Jarad outside so we can leave

I ran towards the front doors of the school. most kids were still in class or at they lockers so it wasn't too hard to find Stokeley. I walked up to him " you ready." He jumped a little it was funny I busted out laughing.

"That ain't funny you scared the piss out of me"
I laughed harder he sound like a fucking soccer mom named Karen 'Timmy you scared the urine out of me"

" You ain't shit come on"

We walked over to where we were parked Stokeley took the keys out and opened the door to the drivers side. I hopped in the back since that's where I was this morning.

"Jarad ain't coming you can get in the front." Oop alone time with daddy yes please.
I wonder what's going to happen?

Where did Jarad go?

Where's Gazzy at?

So many unanswered questions see y'all next time

Btw Anyone have suggestions on what should happen in the next chapter? You can pm me or write it here


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