Chapter 2

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Olivia Hye's pov

I just stood there, shocked, not knowing wether to move or stand still. I don't even know what just happened. Looking around I saw my friends dancing happily. They didn't notice what happened.

I decided to go outside for a second. I breathe in the cold air. The wind was nice and not that cold. I don't know who that man was or why I was attracted to him, but one thing I know. I am probably going to meet him again. Now that I think of it, it wasn't even awkward between us. We didn't know each other but he kind of kissed me but kind of not. I am just very confused.

I just decided to text Momo and Lisa that I will be going home. They are probably drunk so I won't call or anything. They won't remember anything at all what happened tonight. But I better let them know where I went so they won't kill me.

I was just walking home. The weather started to shift. It started raining all of a sudden. Well I suppose it was cloudy all night. I just decided to ignore it, but then it started pouring rain. I ran towards my house. I even had to take off my heels so I could run faster. When I got to my front door I grabbed the keys and I locked my door. When going inside, I immediately felt the warmth. That is much better.

I take off my coat and throw my shoes somewhere. I ran upstairs to take a shower. When I was done showering I just decided to go to sleep. No use of staying awake anymore.

Taeyong's pov the next morning.

I was walking down the stairs while I noticed in the corner of my eye that all the guys were waiting for me. When I got down I turned to them and gave them a confused look. "What? What have I done now?" I ask confused. "Where did you go so fast last night? You told me you were coming to the dance floor. I watched you for 30 minutes and you were just sitting at a bar. Then you just disappeared" Jaehyun almost yells at me.

"What happened?" Mark Asks more calmly. "Nothing, I just didn't feel like partying anymore" I say and walk to the kitchen. I grab a cup and fill it with coffee. I turn around and see them all staring at me again. "You're lying! Something happened! Something important" Yuta assumes. I raise a brow and take another sip off my coffee. Nobody talked until I decided to break the silence.

"What could have happened then Yuta? You tell me" I say challengingly. Everybody's gazes turned to Yuta waiting for him to answer. Yuta looks at them and then at me again. "You have seen your mate haven't you?" Yuta Asks. I have an emotionless face on. "And how would I even know it was her again?" I ask. "Her scent... is very strong" Yuta Says with a little cockiness to it. "Oh really? I didn't notice any other scent except for sweat and alcohol" I say and finish my coffee going towards the living room.

I let myself fall on the couch and put the tv on, the news was on. Jaehyun wanted to say something but the news got all of our attention.

"Last night, a man was murdered. We don't know what the cause could have been. The police is investigating the matter as we speak. You'll hear from it soon! This was the news. We'll be back at 12 o'clock with more news!"

I just watched the tv when all the guys stood in front of the tv all of a sudden. "What?" I ask. "You didn't go and kill a man did you?" Doyoung Asks. "No, why should I?" I ask. "Because you were angry you found a certain person! You didn't believe that all we told you and your parents told you was true! So you went to kill a man" Jaehyun guesses. "Oh! Your very close Jaehyun-ah" I say with a grin. "So you did?" Jaehyun Asks. "No ofcourse I didn't. As I said, I didn't even met my mate" I lie, but they don't know that. I am pretty good at lying.

After a few minutes of silence I stood up. "I am going to the city to get some breakfast. You guys can come. But you pay for yourself this time" I say and walk towards the door.

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