Chapter 24

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(Just to clarify. I am not trying to degrade San. He is a very lovable person. It just fits the story)

Olivia Hye's POV

It's now two days before we leave for Dubai. I am so damn excited! In this past time I haven't heard anything of Yeosang and Baekhyun. Only that they'll leave soon somewhere. They didn't tell me where though. Doesn't really matter, I trust them so why would I ask them? I didn't have any problems after that day I woke up with a lot of memories relived. That might've been the weirdest that has happened to me, being able to see all my past memories in a quick flash.

San said he'll see me again, I haven't seen him. I haven't heard of him in years! I think he was very wrong! And I am very happy about that. He was always a jerk, not necessarily me, but he is to everyone around him except his friends and stuff. I have never seen him with his family so I can't judge about that. I always told myself, you can't spell Satan without San in it. I haven't even thought of him until Lisa and Momo started talking about it again. I don't blame them though, it helped fix the whole situation between me, Lisa And Jaehyun. I am glad we're okay now.

I've also been listening to all of them sing. Lisa And Momo even sung because they could. I have not, I am way to cautious about that. I can't sing, I'll keep it to dancing. Speaking of dancing, it's what I am doing at this exact moment. I am here with Yuta, Jaehyun, Momo and Lisa. While Mark, Doyoung and Taeyong were in the room. They're trying to figure out something for a new song, I think. The rest is all gone or practicing somewhere else.

"Don't do that. You have to raise your elbow a bit more" Yuta Says to me. Right at this very moment I am trying to learn their Cherry Bomb choreo. It's pretty freaking hard and Yuta is not helping either by wanting to correct EVERYTHING. "Okay thanks" I say to him even though I am a little irritated.

Slowly but surely, as the day goes on, the guys came into the room. It's now around 4 pm. I've been dancing since 8 in the morning and I haven't had a break since. I know their Cherry Bomb choreo. I am not perfect at it though, I can still improve a lot. Lisa And Momo were doing something else. Jaehyun was now talking to Taeyong and stuff. And I finally decided to take a break and drink some water.

I walked over to the mirror as my bottle of water was right there. "You know the choreo?" Mark Asks. "Yea I do. I am not perfect at it though. I've watched the dance a million times but I am still not the best at it" I say. "Who did you follow? As in, who's steps are you going to do?" Mark Asks. "Taeyong's" I answer. "Why that?" Mark Asks. "Since He is in the middle most of the time. It's easier to follow his steps. Although that one part almost at the end is pretty hard" I say. "I know. Practice makes perfect though" Taeyong says while still looking at his computer screen. "Well, you made a smart decision" Mark Says. I smile proudly and sit down for a second.

"You ready?" Yuta Asks. "Ready for what?" I ask. "Cherry Bomb. I want to see how good you memorized it in these few hours" Yuta Says. "Do I really have to?" I ask. "Yes. You know it perfectly! I know you'll do amazing" Yuta Says. "Thank. You" I say slowly, not knowing if he meant it as a compliment.

I stand up again and nodded to Momo to put on the song. Well, here goes Nothing I guess.

(This is LOONA's cover of Cherry Bomb, Olivia Hye's Focus)

We're almost at the last part. I hope I don't f*ck this up. I eventually did it and the song finished. I gasped for air as I panted. I was exhausted of that dance. "Good job Liv!" Yuta Yells towards me. I give him a thumbs up as I am still panting. "Yea. You did that last part pretty well" Taeyong says. "T-thanks" I say in between breaths. "Do you need some water?" Lisa Asks. "Yes p-please" I say. She throws me a bottle of water and I catch it and drink the whole thing. "You did amazing!" Jaehyun complimented. "Thank you. I am glad I didn't ruin it" I say and laugh a bit. "It's almost dinner time. Let's go" Momo Says.

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