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Liked by ethandolan, camerondallas, madisonbeer and 34,244 others

mialong sun kissed in Italy 💞💕💕 I might stay here forever

View all 8,394 comments

ethandolan wow are we gonnaa meet in person finally 😭😭😭

zaynmalik 🥺 so much beauty in 1

mialong OMG YES lmk text me wya  @ethandolan

realbarbarapalvin WHATABABE

ziaisreal hot mamamamama🔥🔥

mialong I love you sweet 

mimilong.updates lollllll awww youre meeting the dolan twins

ethandolan YouTube collab???

mialong HELL YA 

gigihadid I would love to meet up in person!!


were at the 100th chapter!!! thank y'all so much for reading, voting, commenting, letting mw know how much y'all love this book (and me heheh) it really means SO SO much. I literally love u. as long as my book make y'all happy and in your feels a lil bit, im doing my job!

sorry ive been away on a hiatus, college freshman yr...no joke lol I was so busy on campus and even when I wasn't I was (you'll get it)

now im back and better. continuing updating with chappies. I just dont know how much more chappies I could make in one book. 

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