28 - Hectic Day

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y/n pov
"y-y/n?" My head instantly turned to see Jungkook's eyes staring at me. He looked so fragile, I just wanted to hug and kiss all of his bruises and cuts. Wait, what?

Before I could react, Mrs Jeon stood up and went beside her son. My eyes softened at the situation.

My phone suddenly rang, it was an unknown number. I reluctantly answered it.

"Hello, this is your english teacher? Where are you? You're supposed to be in the detention room," My eyes went wide open. Shit shit shit!

Jimin saw me cursing to myself. He stood up and went towards me questionably. "What's wrong?" I facepalmed myself like three times before hanging up the call. I didn't even say anything before ending the call.

"I have detention because I slept in class. I forgot and I'm probably in trouble," I facepalmed myself again.

"So are you going to go?" Jimin asked as I sighed at his question. "Yeah, I should. Or ill probably get another day of detention," I took my school bag from the couch and stormed off stressfully. The day can't get any worser huh?

I managed to reach back to school in twenty minutes. I swerved through the hallways and went right to the detention room, to see my english teacher in front of the door.

"S-sorry. I won't be late again," I panted heavily and gave her my detention slip before proceeding into the room.

"Since you were late, you'll get an extra hour of detention. That means two hours. Starting from now till 5pm," she stated before sitting on the seat at the teacher's desk, while minding her own business.

I was about to put my head down when she glared at me. I sat straight up, taking my notebook out. The last time I was in here was because of Jungkook.

I looked at the scribbles I did when I was in here the last time. I smiled, remembering what he drew on his own sketchbook. He still didn't tell me who he was drawing. I frowned afterwards, because I know I wouldn't get to be like that with him anymore.

I turned to a fresh page, and started doodling. First it was just random stick figures and then I suddenly realised I drew a couple made with the stick figures. It became a short comic story.

It was me and Jungkook's love story.
a/n: dont mind my drawing its really ugly sksksks

a/n: dont mind my drawing its really ugly sksksks

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I chuckled to myself and closed my notebook

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I chuckled to myself and closed my notebook. I looked at the teacher, she was probably marking her student's work. I looked at the time. One hour left.

- detention over -

I went back home tiredly, with my bagpack only slinging on one shoulder. I dragged my feet, while walking.

I suddenly got a phone call, it was from Jimin. I answered it. "Hey, i'm still at the hospital. I can't get reach of Sungyeon can you come over? Unless you're uncomfortable. He didn't lose his memory don't worry,"

My eyes were about to close any time soon because of how tired I was. It was such a hectic day I just want to lay on my bed for the rest of the day.

" Uh, yea don't worry. I'll be there,"

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