>>>Pentomino code<<<

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[•Pentomino Code•]
- is used by kids in a movie so that the both of them can understand what they're saying.
A- F:1
B- I:1
C- L:1
D- N:1
E- P:1
F- T:1
G- U:1
H- V:1
I- W:1
J- X:1
K- Y:1
L- Z:1
M- F:2
N- I:2
O- L:2
P- N:2
Q- P:2
R- T:2
S- U:2
T- V:2
U- W:2
V- X:2
W- Y:2
X- Z:2
Y- F:3
Z- I:3

W:1()Z:1/L:2/X:2/P:1()F:3/L:2/W:2 - I LOVE YOU
() word separator
/letter separator
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