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In the beginning,
There was a young child by the name of Light. Light was a very bright child. She always smiled everywhere she went. She was fascinated by the outside world and every creature. But as the girl grew older, she didn't have time to stop and look around at the outside world, for she was always stuck in her room doing her royal duties. Eventually, as time passed by it was finally the day before her coronation. She was to be crowned  soon and nothing could stop that. She was asked by all the maids, butlers, guards, and her parents, to try and rest on this day. So she went outside and sat under her favorite tree and once again, looked around at the world and all its beauty. *rustle rustle* She could hear a bush being rustled around in. A boy around her age then stepped out of the forest and stood in the shadows. He was so mysterious to her. They would look at each other in awe, like they saw something unexplainable.

Light! Light where are you?! Its time for dinner! Her mom yells, looking for her.

I'm over here mother! Light replies not breaking eye contact with the boy in the shadows.

There you are! I was getting worried. Now come on before you miss- her mom says before she stops and looks over at the boy.

Hello Fallen Angel, What do you want? lights mother asks.

Hello Queen Rosa, I have only come to look at the sun and all its beauty.The boy says.

Fine, but stay away from my daughter. Light, come on. She orders.

The girl gets up and follows her, wishing to see the boy one last time. Yet she never did. Until she was 18, 2 years after her coronation. She was wondering around the forest  humming a gentle melody when she saw a dark shadow move through the darkness of the trees. She was startled at first but wasnt scared.

Hello? Whos there? Show yourself. light said curiously.

As you wish, princess or shall I say, your majesty. the shadow replied sarcastically.

The figure slowly started to come into view as the shadow stepped forwards. The girl was surprised to see the boy she was so curious about when she was 16.

Your the boy from the forest. The one my mother calls evil. Yet, you dont look evil. light spoke to the boy.

What? Were you expecting horns and a pitchfork? the boy asked with a grin.

Well of course not! I was just saying, thats all. she tells him.

Alright then, Im Shade. he says bowing a bit.

Im Princess Light, but you can just call me light. she would tell him in response.

Hm, light. Such a lovely and bright name for a lovely and beautiful girl. Shade tells her with a charming smile.

Well shade is such a mysterious and enchanting name for a mysterious and charming boy. Light replies with a lovely smile.

They talked and chatted for hours, but as it started to become dark they said their goodbyes and the boy and the girl separated and went back to their homes. The girl would change into her night gown and slip into bed and cuddle her favorite stuffed animal. The boy would change into his night outfit and slip into bed with his hellhound laying at his feet. All was peaceful that night. This was only the beginning, of a new found bond. Now you might be wondering, what type of bond? well you'll just have to continue reading, won't you?

There! Now my brother can calm the hell down!!!

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