Chapter 1

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👓Author's Note
This chapter has been updated with musical accompaniment and additional content. Thanks for the wait. Enjoy!

Musutafu, Japan
(L/N) Household

Daybreak arose over Japan as its citizens woke to attend to their routine tasks

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Daybreak arose over Japan as its citizens woke to attend to their routine tasks. A TV was turned on in a store to warn the public about the latest villain attack and alerted its viewers to stay clear of suspicious characters. Children were walking by to stare wide-eyed at their heroes in action. Millennials together under the shaded picnic tables having a conversation over drinks being served by a heavyset man in his bread giving a welcoming smile to his customers. The all too quiet town son began to get into an uproar as more people began to see another day beginning in the city of Musutafu. Even with all of the light shone all around, beams made their way inside to a certain individual sound asleep in his bed. A silver-eyed teen clutches tightly onto this blanket feeling the cool air flowing through his room and personifying in his dream.

(Y/N)'s consciousness had him viewing a memory of his younger self in a familiar workshop. The location was set in a worn-down shack where a man was wearing goggles over his face as he sharpened a weapon over an anvil as a young (Y/N) leaned forward in his chair to get a closer look. The man looked over to him smiling warmly as he peered his attention back to his work. He went into a dresser beside his and rubbed the weapon with a rag to glisten the metal in the light of the fire. 

(Y/N): Whats that?

??: This object is quite a peculiar one. I just happened to come across some spare materials from my last project and I thought I could experiment a bit.

(Y/N): Is that the Smith's sense you're always talking about?

??: Y-yes. It's an intuition we forgers pick up with years of experience exploring variants of materials to create toys, sculptures, weapons, any of the sort. 

(Y/N): So it's like a worker's conscience telling him to move along?

??: Sort of, but you're catching on. There's no instruction book to making a genuine craft but when it comes to life you cant help to admire.

The man takes the weapon from the anvil and slices the air. (Y/N) watched the steam enveloping the object as sounds of gears churned in the handle with it extending it's reach three inches. He retracted it weapon back and opened a portal that let it fall inside with his sitting in his chair to take a breath.

??: Someday tools like those can will be recognized by the great heroes of this world. I just hope I live long enough to see it realized.

(Y/N): How can hope be lost when its all around us? Can't we just capture it all at once?

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