"The Hospital"(Pt 1)

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Jayden was hanging out with
Carson when her phone rang."Hello?"She said when she picked it up.
" Hey Jayden! Could you come to the hospital on Senic Lane?
Her best friend Annie asked. "You mean the one that's abandoned one?" She asked confused. " Yes duh! " Annie responds in a sarcastic way.

"What are you doing there?" Jayden asked wanting to know the answer. " I explain when you get here Hurry! " Annie said very scared.
"Ok give me 10 minutes!" She said panicking.
She then yelled at Carson to "Come on! let's go!!" And they went...

15 minutes later

Jayden finally got to the hospital
with Carson. She was terrified, but she has to do it for her bestie. She went through the doors that were covered in graffiti.

When she walked through the doors she felt a cold chill go through her. "Annie!?" She yelled loudly. Suddenly, Case came up behind her and yelled " BOO!! "

Annie's POV

I was with Brennan looking at Jacob and Hayden on the floor with their eyes open but, their not moving or talking when I heard a scream. Oh no! Case scared Jayden...again. Me and Brennan ran out and saw Jayden standing there frozen and Case behind her just doing that little smirk he always and Carson trying to get her attention.

Jayden's POV

I didn't know who was behind me
but, all I saw was darkness. Annie and Brennan out around the corner. I ran to Annie and hugged her.She hugged back obviously.
"Omg! Annie are okay?" I asked " Yes Jayden I am! Are you? She asked "Yea!' I replied.

While they were hugging and talking Brennan went over to Case, they did their little handshake, and Brennan as "Good scare bro!"
" Thanks dude! "

" So Annie, what's wrong? "
Jayden asked Annie "Well uh...Carson you might wanna hear this to. Come over here!" Carson stops talking to Case and walks over to them. "So what's wrong? Why did Jayden have to drag me here?" He complains. "Well um...come with me.."

They both follow Annie along with Brennan and Case. They go to the room where Jacob and Hayden were now in separate corners.
"What! They were on the floor!" Annie said shocked. Brennan went over to Jacob and Case went over to Hayden. Brennan shook Jacob and Case shook Hayden. They both turned around.

Jacob slapped Brennan and Hayden slapped Case. All the others laughed. "Oww!" They both said at the same time. "Why are they like this? Jayden asked. Annie replied with " Well...Case cAlled me saying that they played..it..again in this room, but Case took it, broke it, and threw it in the other room somewhere. " She said all in one breath. Jayden and Carson were still confused.

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