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My mom dropped me off at the bus stop, and turns out I would be the first one on the bus. As we approached a guy in bright swim shorts, I realized I might be on the wrong bus. The bus said 'Malibu Rescue', right? We stopped in front of the male, and he got onto the bus. Now that he neared, he was cuter up close. "Hey, I'm Tyler." He smiled at me. "Hey, I'm Callie." I swiftly nodded as I pulled a water out of my bag. He nodded as the bus, that isn't very nice, drove to the next stop. "Why are you here?" I asked. He didn't seem like the type to want to be a Junior Rescue. I have to admit though, he was easy on the eyes, so I doubt I will hate having him around.

When we got to the next stop, a girl in sweats and a sweatshirt got on the bus. She immediately started eating eggs. Tyler and I stared as she ate them. "You guys want some?" She asked. "Nah, I had a dozen before I left." Tyler joked. I smiled at his joke and smiled at her. "I'm Gina, you guys are?" She asked. "I'm Callie, and this is Tyler." I introduced for him since he was a little distracted. "You guys know each other?" She asked. "No, we just met a couple minutes before you got on." Tyler added, drifting back into the conversation. I nodded and took a sip of my water. We all talked as we made our way to the next stop, if there was a next one. Sure enough, there was one, and it was another girl! The girl with ginger hair ran towards the bus and got on. "Hi! I'm Lizzie. How awesome is this! Junior Rescue! I can't wait-." She exclaimed before Tyler interrupted her. "She's about to chug that." He said while pointed to Gina. "Oh my gosh, I hope she doesn't choke. If she does, I'm certified in CPR." Lizzie exclaims. I guess she was the last person, poor Tyler. He's the only guy here.

When we pulled up to the beach, we were met with fresh, salty air from the sea. "Alright, I'm going to find a nice spot to put my-." Tyler starts, but is cut off by someone behind us. "I followed, for a long time." A out of breath boy said as he fell off of his bike and into the sand. "Oh my god! Are you okay!" I asked as I ran over to him. "I'm, Eric." He paused in the middle of the sentence. Lizzy helped him and Tyler and helped him up.

As Tyler went to finish his sentence, a scream was heard behind us. Tyler's eyes bugged out of his head as he saw the girl. She had run into a trashcan on her scooter. "Oh my god! Are you okay?" He asked as he ran over to help her. "Do you need a hand?" He asked her as she got off her scooter and bent down to clean it up. "That'd be great, I'm already running late. Thanks!" She exclaimed before running off, leaving Tyler to clean up the mess. Tyler groans and started cleaning up.


I was totally wrong about Tyler. I was surely going to get tired of him this summer. The next day was full of him trying to get out of this. Surprisingly, I did pretty well yesterday. But the next day? My whole mood was brought down because of Tyler.

He had messed everything up! First off he ticked off Brody today and yesterday, then he kept making comments about leaving. Rolling my eyes, I listened to Dylan. Dylan was our captain. And she was trying her best, but she got stuck with the Flounder pod.

We were currently working on CPR. Lizzy was going to kill it at this. As Dylan pushed down to show us how to do it, we heard a awful noise. Rolling my eyes, I knew exactly who was behind it.


He was so cool at first! Why couldn't he stay cool? Dylan groaned when she found out what the problem was. Everyone looked towards Tyler. "Alright, let's break off into pairs and practice what I showed you." Dylan told us as she got up. Eric and I were left with Tyler. Since our team was uneven, there was three on one pair and two on another.

Eric reprimanded Tyler as I practiced CPR on the dummy.


As Brody was sitting on the large chair, the chair broke apart and he fell to the ground. I stifled a laugh as I saw Tyler hold out a pile of screws. "Tyler!" I exclaimed. He smirked as Dylan pulled him away to the main office.

"Flounders! You're fixing this!" Brody yelled before running off. Groaning, I followed the pod to the chair and grabbed the screws Tyler placed down. Lizzie ran and got some tools to help us. After a while, Dylan joined us, and she was upset. "I'm sorry about Brody." I softly said. She softly nodded and helped us build the chair back up. "It wasn't your fault, it was Tyler's." She softly said as she helped us fixed the chair. As we almost put it together, Tyler had to join us. "Oh look, it's Tyler." I groaned. Tyler glared at me. "Why would you do that?" Lizzie asked. "I want to get kicked out, but I didn't know you would be affected-." Tyler started, but I cut him off.

"Tyler! Would you just stop trying to prove every one wrong! We need you on this team!" I snapped towards Tyler as we fixed the chair. "Shut up, Callie! You're so uptight!" He shouted back. "I'm only uptight because I came here to save and help people! Not clean up after you!" I shouted back. "Guys, Stop!" Gina and Dylan yelled at the two of us. I rolled my eyes at Tyler and continued helping fix the chair.

To think that I started catching feelings for him.

"Yo Guys I think someone's in trouble." Tyler shouted as Dylan walked away after we finally got the chair back together. There was a hand waving in the sea. "Come on guys! This is a chance where we can prove ourselves!" I exclaimed and ran towards it. I dove into the sea and went to help them. Looking behind me, I saw Tyler. Lizzie was running to get a first aid kit I'm guessing, and Gina and Eric were on land ready to help. Tyler and I swam to the person and put them on the surf rescue board. We both swam back and put them on the shore. As Lizzie bent down to give CPR, Dylan ran over with her notecards. Everyone started crowding around us.

"What's going on?" Brody asked. "Our pod just pulled this dude out of the water!" Gina exclaimed. "Is that a CPR dummy?" Brody asked again. We all looked at the head.

It was.

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