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Megan led me over to her lunch table the next day at school. I could feel my friends from Malibu Rescue staring me down as I was pulled behind Megan. "Megan, I have other friends to sit with." I sighed as I tried to pull away. "You can hang out with them later!" She exclaimed before sitting me down next to another girl. She looked pretty basic, almost exactly like Megan.

"Hey, I'm Sarah!" She greets. "I'm Callie." I sighed as I glanced over at my other friends. When I caught Tyler's eyes, he glanced away with a melancholy look on his face. "It was nice hanging out with you guys, but I want to sit with my boyfriend and my other friends." I said as I tried to stand up. "Wait! Just tell us one thing about you!" Megan pushes. "Stop it! I just want to be with my friends!" I shouted before breaking Megan's hands off my arm and storming away from them to my old table. "I'm sorry I left you guys for the party and didn't stay with you." I sighed as I sat down at the table in between Tyler and Gina.

"It's okay, we don't mind." Lizzie softly said. "No, it's not okay. I ditched you guys for popularity! News flash! Popularity sucks and you shouldn't want to be apart of that friend group!" I exclaimed before pausing.

"I ditched you guys for popularity and all you guys did was be there for me. I'm sorry." I continued as I looked around the table. "Callie, it's okay. We're glad you came back to us." Gina smiles. I quickly hug her tightly before turning to Tyler. "I missed you." He chuckled before hugging me. "I missed you guys too." I smiled.


All five of us walked to the library a couple blocks down after school. Tyler held my books for me as we walked. He put his books in his backpack and carried mine. "Thank you." I smiled up at him as we walked. "It's the least I can do." He brightly smiled and slid his free hand into mine.

The five of us pushed the door open and walked into the library. "Mrs Fredrick assigned a project in Science." Gina groans as we walked over to a free table with five seats surrounding it. Looks like someone took the sixth one.

All of us sat down. Tyler sat my books down in front of me. "Thanks, I'm going to look for books. You guys need anything?" I asked as I stood up. "I'll go with!" Lizzie exclaims. I nod as she joins beside me. "We can just share one, it's the same class." Gina shrugs. "I already have mine, thanks buttercup." Tyler smiles before turning his attention to the textbook in front of him. I nodded before turning to the books.

"What's the project about?" Lizzie asked as we searched for books about cell division. "Cell Division. It's a huge part of this semesters grade." I explained as we searched the library.


"Arg!" I cried out as I threw my pencil across the room. My body leaned back against the head board at my dad's house. I reached for my phone and texted Tyler. 'Can you come help me un-stress? This English assignment is stressing me out!" I texted. My boyfriend texted back almost immediately, stating he was on his way.

Not long after, my door flew open to reveal my boyfriend. He sat me up and sat himself behind me. His large hands massages my shoulders. A small sigh left my lips as I relaxed against his touch. "Relax, buttercup. It's due in two weeks." Tyler whispered in my ear. I slowly nodded and laid my head against his shoulder as his hands fell to my sides. "I love you." I gently said as he kissed my shoulder. "I love you too, baby. Get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up." Tyler whispered as I closed my eyes. I nodded and turned my body so I was curled into his chest.


My eyes fluttered open to an empty room. Rubbing my eyes, I turned to my alarm clock on my nightstand.

9:08 pm.

Tyler wasn't there, but there was a note on the nightstand.

Sorry, buttercup, but I had to head home. Text me when you wake up! I love you! -Ty.

My lips curled into a smile as I sat up in bed. I quickly changed into pajamas and brushed my teeth before returning to bed.


My high school years flew by insanely fast. Tyler and I's four years anniversary was approaching as we got ready to leave for College.

My door opened to reveal my dad. "You have some company." My dad smiled. I nodded and followed him downstairs, but not before closing my second to last box.

Tyler was sitting on my porch as I walked out. "Hey." I softly said. Tyler looked up at me as I sat down on the bench beside him. There was some space between us. "Hey." He softly replied. I could tell was something was up, and I felt like I knew what was happening.

"Do you think we can survive a long distance relationship?" Tyler asked. "If you're serious, no I don't think we will. We're too attached to each other." I confessed as I pulled my legs to my chest. Tyler nodded in agreement. "How about, we break up only for our college years. Neither of us are going to be able to see each other during the school years, we both know that. But as soon as we get back, if we still have feelings for each other, we can get back together? After all I did give you a promise ring." Tyler suggests. I nod my head in agreement. "And just because you gave me a promise ring, doesn't mean you have to marry me. We were basically kids when we promised ourselves to each other." I gently smiled. "I still stand by my promise. You don't?" He asked. "Of course I do!" I giggled.

"That sounds like a good plan." I said after I calmed down. He sadly smiled before hugging me. "I'll see you in four years." He beamed before disappearing out of my drive way, and possibly out of my life.

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