this is a story about Allison Pendle from batim this is her story from Allison Pendle to Alison Angel not of this art is mine these arts are really good so please give credit to those artists
“Tom you should have known better you can't just go walking up to the ink demon a-and that was just so stupid”.
Tom had gotten her during one of her scavenger hunts the ink demon came up instead of running away with me decide to be a hero and run up causing his mechanical arm to go haywire.
Tom looked at Henry he still doesn't like the poor guy smacking his acts on his hand trying to be intimidating I don't think it works on him anymore.
Time la skip to three days later*
The ink demon found us Tom must have alerted him somehow or maybe me we had to get out of there but Henry was still trapped I try to help them but the wood was too hard that's all made and Tom that picked me up and carried me away.
“ I so sorry Henry I'm sorry", I said before Tom took me away. before we lefted I heard Henry say “don't worry Alison I'll find you don't worry"!
Tom finally dropped me when we were farther away I was ticked I was really really ticked.“ what the hell Tom we could have saved him we probably just left him to die".
I was never this angry but I was angry for the first time in well since I was I was truly angry at Tom. I think he had had enough himself he took my hand gently I think you didn't want to hurt me but sternly as well. Then we finally made it to a room and were pictures and voice recorders.
“Tom why did you bring me here"? She pointed to a picture of a woman and then pointing at me.
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“Was this me or what I once was" I asked Tom. He nodded and then he pointed to another one this one looked with me and another person.
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At the end the bottom it said Allison Pendle and Thomas Connor. I look closer and saw something they I mean me and the man had rings on we...we were married.
Wait Thomas, Tom they were the the same person Joey did this to us. I cried I lost everythingI could have had a life I could have been something I was a voice actress for this I remembered everything.
but I became a creature because I was the original or should I say secondary voice actors for Alice angel Joey asked mean Tom to come here and well we never did come out normal again.
He held me tightly I think he knew what I was thinking and knew that I remembered everything. From his look he remembered everything or he knew from the beginning.
“I'm sorry Thomas I'm sorry I forgot you I'm so so sorry".he just kept nuzzling to calm me down “why did Joey do this to us we did nothing wrong".
He said nothing but he gave me a sign that it was his fault but before I could say anything I heard Henry scream. “Tom we need to help Henry I don't want this on my conscience to know that I left another human being left to die".
Who is expecting him to well disagree yet but he nodded and walked with me time to go save Henry.