chapter 2

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I was wondering to studio.‘great' I thought ‘first I was attacked by some demon now I'm lost'.

then I hear something I ready my sword “i know your out there show your self". As soon as I say that a dog like a inky creature came out what's the mechanical arm. ‘what is that thing' I thought it looked like it knew me.

And started to run up towards me still holding a sword making sure I don't puncture the guy. He hug's me, he wrote in ink Tom “is that your name, Tom"? He nods and kepted hugging me I didn't mind it was the closest thing of I have had in days.

“My name is...." I I was trying to remember what my name was."Allison.... Allison angel" why angle oh well Tom seems to like it and I kinda like it to.

Then I hear a shrill woman's voice saying or should I say screaming “ I'm Alice angle"! What the hell was that Tom looked like he was going to hurt the woman that said that. “What is wrong Tom, who was that" he looked at me said nothing “oh right you can't talk sorry Tom".

He patted my head ‘it's ok' I think he was trying to say. “Thanks Tom" we walk away from the sound.

I saw a poster of a character that looked a lot like tom. Boris the wolf is what the poster said I looked at Tom “hey Tom is this you" I pointed to the poster he shook his head and we kept on walking. Well today was scary and new.

i forgotten who I amWhere stories live. Discover now