21st Chapter

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"And then that's when he said ummm I don't know what he said but we were playing" Jahseh said talking my ears off like he always does on a daily

Hey Jahseh wanna play a game I said exciting him up "OUUUU YEAHHHHHH" Jahseh said jumping up and down

Okay we are going to play the silent game once I told him that he looked at me with a straight face and walked out of my room

YOU DON'T WANNA PLAY I said laughing

"NO MAMAS" Jahseh said going to his room and closing the door I stared laughing and watched tv

"Ouuuuu Mamas can we go out to eat tonight" Jahseh said coming back into my room

I guess we can I said getting out of bed and find a outfit Go get ready while I'm about to take a shower

I gotta take mines let's take one together Jahseh said smirking and licking his lips

Uh-Jahseh go take your shower first I said looking at him and rolling my eyes

"*sigh* okayyyyy" Jahseh said rolling his eyes and going to the bathroom.

30 minutes later

JAHSEH YOU ALMOST READY I said putting my shoes on while sitting on the couch he came downstairs with his shoes and he put his shoes on on the stairs

I grabbed the keys and we got In the car where you wanna eat at I said looking at him

"I like how you look at me it makes my peepee go up" Jahseh said smirking I turned around and just looked at my phone

"I want to go at eat FRIDAYS" Jahseh said

Okay I said putting the car in Friday's


"Hello how may I help you two today" The lady said giving me a menu and giving Jahseh a little coloring paper

"Can I get some chicken poppers with extra fries"Jahseh said

"Of course you can and what would you like pretty lady" The lady said to me

Umm can I get a burger and fry with a sprite and you can give him a apple juice I said

"Alrighty"The lady said grabbing our stuff and going back to the kitchen

I was on my phone and Jahseh started laughing what's funny I said looking at Jahseh

"I could eat you right now Like literally eat you" Jahseh said giving me a straight face

Jahseh I already told you about this- I was cut off y the lady who had our food and drinks

"Alrighty here is your food little man and here is your food ma'am" The lady said putting our drinks down

Thank you umm

"Penny my name is penny sorry I didn't tell you before I was rushing" penny said

No it's fine thank you I said smiling

"No problem enjoy your food" Penny said walking away

After eating

Me and Jahseh went to the store and got some extra snacks and some juices and sodas we paid at the self check out and then we got back in the car and went home

"I'm pretty tired" Jahseh said yawning leaning his head on the window staring at the stars in the sky

I know we are gonna be home soon I said we pulled up and Jahseh got out Jeez Jahseh I didn't even park the car I said laughing

He was waiting at the door so I parked the car and we walked in Jahseh took his shoes off and his shirt and pants and ran up stairs to his room


GOODNIGHT I said going upstairs to my room.

Book ending soon.....

Babysitter///Jahseh Onfroy🤓🖤{COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now