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Sqaishey's pov

So in the morning most people left... Except for Lee, netty, Amy, and Rosie.

Lee later left with stampy and squid. They were going to an arcade. So it was just me, Netty, Amy, and Rosie. Amy suggested se ho shopping and i agreed. Se decided to shop for Fancy stuff! We decided to go to Lola's dress place. I picked out a pretty yellow dress with a white ribbon. I wonder what the others will get?

Amy's pov

Hmmmm... What type of dress should I buy? Hmmmmmm.... Well I decided to pick out a pretty ruffling dress that was pink and white! Perf! My BFF rosie had picked out a long blue and black dress! I loves it! Beautiful!!!!!! Just what I thought she would get!!

Netty's pov

I guess I'll get a basic dress. A plain strapless lavender dress. With a white flower on it. Just basic for me! Amy's dress was way over the top! Pink and ruffles!!! Ugg! Rosie and sqaishey had picked out some nice dresses. But I LOVE mine!!! I think it's perfect!

Rosie's pov

I just picked out my favorite dress! I'm not a shopping addict! I just like doing this every now and then. I'm not crazy about Shopping!! I smiled at Amy. She had a dress that EAD over tue top fabulous! But what could I expect! I kind of preferred video games over shopping...

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