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It was a day like any other at the Rescue Bot Academy and the new recruits were doing a training mission of a dam that's about to burst. "Hot Shot make sure those beams are secured." Wedge said as he was getting the new cement ready to be applied to the dam. "Guys I found Chuck, but he's in the water behind the dam. Hot Shot, I could use your help with that." Whirl said over the comlink "On my way." Hot Shot said as he ran up the beams and jumped into the water and transformed into his hover craft mode and made his way to Chuck. "Hot Shot get back to your post." Wedge said over the comlink, "I can't do that right now Wedge, I'm helping Whirl with Chuck." Hot Shot replied. Then the dam burst and Hot Shot went under with Chuck as the raging wave flowed to the town and the others had to think of something quickly before the water floods the town. "Hoist, Medix get those boulders and align them in a wall formation to divert the water to the river over there." Wedge said, "You got it Wedge." Hoist said and both he and Medix transformed into their vehicle and robot modes and placed the boulders in the way of the waves and made sure to secure them with Hoist's glue gun. "Um, guys if you're not too busy, HELP ME OUT HERE!" Hot Shot exclaimed over the comlink, "Hold on Hot Shot I'm coming." Whirl said as she flew above Hot Shot and lowered her winch. Once the winch was low enough Hot Shot transformed back into his robot mode and grabbed the hook and Whirl pulled up and lifted Hot Shot who was holding Chuck out of the water and lowered them on the ground and landed while transforming into her robot mode and ran over to Hot Shot to make sure he was okay before the others get here. "Hot Shot you okay?" Whirl asked, "Yeah, but I think one of my servos got fried somehow." Hot Shot said as he tried to get up but ended up falling into Whirl and they both fell down with Hot Shot on top of her. "Sorry, I think I may need some help." Hot Shot said. Luckily Whirl helped get them both up and she winked at him making Hot Shot's face plate heat up a little bit making Whirl giggle a little. Then the others joined them and the simulation turned off as Heat Wave was impressed with the recruits' quick thinking in the unpredictable rescue training mission but noticed that Hot Shot was limping for some reason. "Hot Shot why are you limping?" he asked, "I think my leg servo got fried somehow." Hot Shot said, "Odd, that never happens with the simulator. You better go see Boulder about that. In the meantime Hot Shot I want you to think about what went wrong after you went to help Whirl get Chuck. That's all for the rest of summer break everyone. If you want to train more then go ahead." Heat Wave said as he left the simulation room and everyone looked at Hot Shot except Whirl who was helping him get to Boulders office. "What is with those two lately, they've been inseparable lately even during training missions." Hoist said, "Your right, they have been spending much more time together recently." Medix said in response. Wedge saw how strange Hot Shot and Whirl have been acting for some time now and decided that if they were spending time together it was probably to get to know each other better seeing how Hot Shot was still a rookie who was selected by Optimus Prime to attend Rescue Bot Academy and he didn't have to take an exam or win a contest to do so. "Who knows what they're doing in their time. I think Hot Shot messed up the training program on purpose to make things harder for us." Wedge said to the others, "Well he does tend to make mistakes but never on purpose." Hoist said, "True, but his leg servo did suffer damage during the simulation which begs the question, how did he get hurt." Medix said.

Boulder's office:
Once Whirl and I got to Boulders office he helped me up and examined my leg servo and found the problem, "Looks like all the raging waves caused your circuits to get all fried up. No worries, won't take long to repair." Boulder said as he took out his tool kit and began working on my leg servo, "Thanks professor Boulder. And thank you as well Whirl, for helping me out to get here." Hot Shot said, "D-don't mention it Hot Shot. I just wonder what happened to the simulator that caused you to get hurt." Whirl said, "Wait the simulator wasn't supposed to be online today. It was scheduled for repairs and maintenance. But I thought Heat Wave got my message about the training simulator." Boulder said as he finished fixing Hot Shot's leg servo.

The Wreck Room:
'I hope nobody finds out that Hot Shot and I are seeing each other at night so we can be alone.' Whirl thought to herself as she and Hot Shot left Boulders office and went to the wreck room where the others were waiting for them. "Care to explain why you messed up today's training mission Hot Shot." Wedge said as he walked over to Hot Shot and Whirl and he shoved Hot Shot into the wall and he seemed to be mad because Hot Shot left his post to help Whirl get Chuck from the water. "I was helping Whirl get Chuck out of the water. I honestly thought those beams were secure enough to hold the dam long enough so I could help Whirl and Chuck." Hot Shot said. Wedge wasn't buying it at all, "I think you did it on purpose just so the mission would fail. I'm right aren't I Hot Shot?" Wedge exclaimed, "Wedge you are taking things too far Leave Hot Shot Alone. It wasn't his fault the dam burst open like that. It could have happened to any of us." Whirl said stepping between Wedge and Hot Shot so that Wedge would stop but he pushed her out of the way and she fell down which made Hot Shot mad, "What's your problem Wedge, your problem is with me not Whirl. You didn't have to push her like that." Hot Shot exclaimed and punched Wedge hard enough that he went crashing into his own construction equipment. Once Hot Shot cooled down he saw Wedge under all the construction equipment and helped Whirl up then went to help Wedge, "Sorry Wedge, I don't know what got into me." Hot Shot said as he helped get Wedge out of the construction then Wedge pushed Hot Shot's hand away and got up himself then glared at him then left the room.

Transformers Rescue Bots Academy: Hot Shot and Whirl (Extreme Hiatus) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now