Chapter 1: Our Secret

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Today was really hard for me, Wedge wouldn't stop hassling me about why we almost failed the training mission. Whirl tried to help me but Wedge wouldn't stop and ended up pushing her away and she fell which made me angry. I ended up punching Wedge so hard that he flew into his own construction equipment and I didn't know what got into me. I tried to apologize to Wedge but he stormed off and left the wreck room. I walked over to Whirl and helped her up and the others were looking at us weirdly, "What is with you two? You've been spending more time together than usual. It's highly illogical for two team members to be doing such a thing." Medix said as he emphasized his point, "We, um, we've been training together on battle techniques in case there's a decepticon attack and we need to protect the humans from them. Right, Whirl." I said nervously, "Right, we've been training with each other on our battle techniques." Whirl said nervously as well. Both Hoist and Medix seemed to have bought it and walked away. Both Whirl and I sighed in relief as we managed to keep our secret just that, a secret. "I don't know how much longer we can keep this a secret Hot Shot. They're our friends; I don't like lying to them at all." Whirl said as she looked out the window and I walked up beside her and held her hand. "I know how you feel Whirl. But we just need to find the right way to let them know about us. But with the way Wedge is acting it may be harder than we hoped." I said as I worried about how he would react to the news about Whirl and I being together.

"I know how you feel Whirl. But we just need to find the right way to let them know about us. But with the way Wedge is acting it may be harder than we hoped." Hot Shot said as he worried about how the others might react to the news about Hot Shot and I being together. I looked at him and smiled brightly and the both of us went to the gymnasium for more training for the next simulation mission. On the way there we ran into Wedge who was still pretty steamed at Hot Shot for what happened earlier. "Hey, Hot Shot! I've got a servo to pick with you." Wedge said as he was grinding his fists together, "Look Wedge I already said I was sorry about the training sim and for punching you as well. What more do you want from me." Hot Shot said, "How about a new supply of construction equipment and your processor on a silver platter." Wedge said as he shoved Hot Shot away from me. "Come on guys knock it off." I said trying to diffuse the situation, "Back off Whirl, I don't know why you've been hanging out with Hot Shot so much but I don't care. Rookies need to be taught a lesson about staying at their posts during a rescue operation." Wedge said as he grabbed Hot Shot and tossed him into the center of the gymnasium and Hot Shot seemed to be letting Wedge get his anger out on him. "Look Wedge, I don't want to fight you." Hot Shot said, "Well tough luck rookie, I've been waiting to do this for a good while." Wedge replied.

(A/N: Play the song below for the next part of this chapter.)

I kept dodging Wedge's punches but most of them managed to get me and I heard Whirl scream at Wedge to stop but I don't think he was listening, in fact his optics seemed to be red instead of their usual green. "Wedge, you've got to stop. You're not acting like yourself." I said and caught his punch in my fist and Wedge was getting angrier and angrier for some reason, "Wedge you've got to stop." Whirl said as she held Wedge's other fist and that's when things went from bad to worse. Wedge kicked Whirl away and she hit her head on the ground hard and was unconscious from the impact and something inside me snapped and I got stronger and faster even a little bit taller. "What?" Wedge exclaimed as he was just as surprised as I was, "Light the darkness in your friends spark young one." A voice said in my head and it sounded like a familiar one too, I closed my optics and focused my energy and that's when a blinding light shined from my entire body and then everything went blank. When I came too I saw everyone in the gymnasium and they were attending to Wedge since he was damaged pretty badly somehow. I tried to get up and I was wobbly from the head rush to my processors and made my way over to where Whirl was. "Whirl, where are you." I called out, "H-Hot S-Shot, I-I'm down h-here." Whirl said weakly and I saw her underneath some debris and rushed over to her and tried to lift the rubble off of her leg servos, "It's too heavy Hot Shot. Go get help." Whirl said as she coughed up smoke but I wasn't going to leave her alone and I somehow managed to use strength that I never knew I had and lifted the rubble off of Whirl and everyone saw me do so and I threw the rubble outside the building through the hole in the wall and lifted up Whirl and carried her to Medix. "Hot Shot, how'd you do that?" Heat Wave asked me, "I'm not sure." I said before I collapsed and slipped into unconsciousness.

Transformers Rescue Bots Academy: Hot Shot and Whirl (Extreme Hiatus) (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now