1 •Romania•

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Dark, Lonely, Scary.
Those would be the words to describe the streets of the city, the streets Romania wondered, that is.
He didn't know how or why he was here(he did, he just had merely forgotten as he was more focused on his inner thoughts). His thoughts raged in the Romanian's head like a storm. Raindrops pelted his cloak Unrelentlessly, thunder echoed through the streets mere seconds after lightening lit up the sky like a lightbulb was turned on and off abruptly.
The city was no place for a Monster, and Romania knew that, he knew it all too well. But being a vampire and all, he needed some source of food, desperately. He was afraid to say the least.
The Romanian felt as if daggers were being dug into his back. The tall male could narrow this feeling down to being watched, which he hated more than being stuck in this damn storm.
"Who's there?!" He commanded, voice strong as he spun around. in which he was met with a taller, yellow eyed figure.(which only his eye colour was impressive, Romania was about an inch and a half taller than average, making him 'tall' this person was about a mere 2 inches taller than him.)
'a hunter.' His mind chimed, desperately, whilst screaming for the Romanian's legs to move, but, they refused.
He was stuck in place like a heavy rock or tree if you will. Romania's head pounded like someone was trying to bang his head in with a rock as the treacherous thunder seemed to grow louder with each passing moment and the sky was lit up to an eerie, ice blue every few seconds, the crackle of thunder following soon after like a loyal dog, wind made noises
like the howls of a werewolf on a full moon.
The Romanian glanced up at the sky, before running like the raging wind that surrounded the two figures. Quick footsteps sounded behind Romania, in which, he knew the mysterious figure was following in close pursuit, causing the vampire to only run quicker, as his heart pounded and surges of fear courses through his body.
Suddenly, a warm hand grabbed his arm, and pulled the Romanian into a hug of unbelievable strength, so tight it was nearly crushing his ribs.
"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." The stranger whispered, getting too close for comfort. Their voice was laced with hints that it was a lie, so Romania broke free, and ran once again.
A loud gunshot echoed throughout the mostly empty streets. So he was right. He knew he shouldn't trust anyone, and it was a smart decision to run, but part of him felt slightly guilty about it. Maybe, just maybe he could trust someone, but that was something he knew he should never do. He wanted to cry, bawl his eyes out until he lost the ability to feel at all, until he had no more tears to cry.

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