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It'd been ten years since Peter died.

Tony never truly got over it. Yes, he was happily married to Pepper, and he had a daughter of his own – Morgan. Morgan was the light of his light. She took right after him. But Tony also saw Peter as one of his own. He loved the damn kid. He'd never admit it, but he did.

"Tony?" Pepper walked downstairs. Tony was sitting in the living room, flipping through a photobook. Photos of his past. Mostly Peter. Pepper put her arms around her husband, holding him. She understood how hard it was for Tony.

"Sorry," Tony rubbed his eyes. He knew he at some point he needed to accept this and move on, but he couldn't.

"Daddy?" Morgan walked downstairs.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing up?" Pepper picked the young girl up and sat her on her lap.

"Is daddy okay?" she asked, looking at Tony, who was trying to stop tears.

"I'm fine, Morg," Tony smiled, ruffling her hair. Pepper smiled, letting a tear of her own fall.

Tony looked at the picture of him and Peter again. He couldn't help but remember all of the memories he'd shared with him.

"Mr. Stark!" Peter knocked on Tony's door. Tony answered to a smiling boy. He held a piece of paper in his hands.

"What is this?" Tony asked, referencing the paper that he was holding. Peter was smiling ear-to-ear.

"I got in." Peter handed Tony the paper. It read – Congratulations, you have been accepted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

"Well, well look at you!" Tony smiled and embraced Peter into his arms. Tony had never been prouder. Peter smiled, but then pulled away.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark, but I don't think I'm going to go," Peter said, looking down at his shoes.

"What? Peter, you have to! It's MIT, your dream, remember? You'll love it." Tony said, sitting him down on the couch.

"Yeah, I know... I just don't know. I don't want to leave May here alone. I'm all she really has. And remember, I am still Spider-Man, I have to fulfill-"

"Nonsense. She'll understand. And about the whole Spider-Man thing, we'll figure it out." Tony said, rubbing Peter's back.

"I know, Tony. But... I think I'm good." Peter smiled.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Peter said.

"I still think you should go. Keep thinking about it. Okay? It's your decision, but I think you should really consider it."

"I couldn't afford it."

"Uh, hello?" Tony chuckled. "You're kind of talking to a billionaire, here. I'll cover it."

"Tony... I couldn't let you." Peter said.

"Well, I am going to. That's if you choose to go." Tony smiled.

"I'll think about it, Mr. Stark. Thank you," Peter smiled, going to leave. Tony waved as he left.

Little did he know, Peter would die that night. He died being the hero he was.

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(A/N) Do you guys like the father/son one-shots? Let me know!

Also, thank you so much for 4,000 reads!

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