Prologue 00

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I walk up the rest of the steps. My eyesight is temporarily rendered useless because of the last rays of sunshine. I scrunch my face and maneuver my fingers under my glasses to rub my eyes. I blink a few times before being able to focus on the streets before me. A few people bump into me as they try to leave the subway station.

I watch as mothers walk with their children, Business men hurriedly walk while looking at the time, teenagers laugh, and cars honk at each other. This sight never disappoints me. The streets of Los Angeles are always rowdily exquisite.

I walk towards the street that I usually used to get home. I turn the corner and stop in my tracks. I internally groan. The whole street is taped off, and in the middle lies a giant hole. In the center of it all is an orange cone with the words 'ROAD WORK' taped to it.

I looked around to find another nearby street. I hope I don't get lost. Times like these make me regret not really venturing beyond my usual routes.

I spot an alley between an empty slot of land and a bricked factory. I hesitantly walk into the alley. The alley should, hopefully, take me to an intersection that will allow me to go back to my usual route. I looked up to the sky and notice how dark it's really getting. I hope I don't regret going through this alley.

The alley doesn't have any form of artificial light, so I tread carefully. I try to adjust my eyes to the darkness and slowly succeed. I watch my every step, keeping an eye out for glass or even dead animals.

This is an awfully long alley.

I could feel a small rock inside my flat, plunging itself into me every time I stepped. I came to an abrupt stop and balanced myself onto one leg. I quickly took my flat off and shook it. I was loosing my balance, so I swiftly put my shoe back on.

I look up and notice some yellow lights a bit in the distance. I quicken my pace, curious about what I'm going to see.

The quicker I go, the more illuminated the path gets.

I halt once the building is within sight and stare at the peculiar place. I slowly approach the small... shop? There are two large brick buildings towering over the small shop at each side.

There is a wooden door with a small glass window that has a white sign reading open in red letters. Next to it is a large rectangular window outlined with round, yellow, blinking bulbs.  Through the window there is a large sign shining brightly. The sign is in blue lights and under the sign is an illustrated crystal ball in pink.

"Miss Devina and The Crystal Ball" I whisper to myself.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the window's reflection. My eyes are a dull brown and my hair is a flat brown. A chilly breeze blows and a lock of hair untucks itself from behind my ear and flails around in front of me. My eyes trail down to the rest of my body. My white work blouse is nicely tucked into my black slacks. My breasts are small and my body isn't attractive at all. I sigh and push my glasses up. Dianna was right. I am ordinary in every way. My necklace glistens underneath my shirt. I pull it out and stare at the ring. The ring is silver with a black stone in the middle. I turn it and look at the engraving inside the ring 'Apollyon'.

I see a slight movement in my peripheral vision. I jolt back and quickly shove my necklace back under my shirt.

Peaking out the door is an old lady with a goofy grin. She has bouncy brown hair, vivid green eyes, and yellow teeth. She walked out from behind the door. It revealed her black shirt and white cardigan, followed by her long skirt full of many shapes and colors. She had many long necklaces layered on, as well as many bracelets and rings on both her hands. I watched her as she slowly wobbled towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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