I Have Your Back

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A/N - This story is courtesy of a prompt from KathrynTownley. It took me a while to get the inspiration for this piece, and I'm pretty sure it's not my best work. But hopefully it still does your idea justice, Kathryn! Enjoy!

Ant checked his watch nervously for what felt like the thousandth time. "Come on, Declan!" he groaned to himself, noting it was now 20 minutes past when he and his friend were meant to be meeting up. He was bundled up in his winter coat and scarf, sat on the front steps of his sister Sarha's house in Newcastle, waiting impatiently for Dec to show up. Now normally, Ant would be a bit annoyed at his friend for being late, but given his nerves today, that mild annoyance was swiftly growing into gruff irritability. He thought surely, surely, Declan would try to be on time today, given what they were supposed to be doing. Pulling out his phone to double check he hadn't received an explanatory text, or maybe even an apology saying they'd have to reschedule, Ant sighed heavily. Nothing. Seriously, if Dec didn't show up in the next 5 minutes, he was going to get an earful. He could be so inconsiderate sometimes!

A car horn suddenly ripped through the air, gleefully sounding three, four times before the Fiat 500 Abarth came to a stop in the driveway, a fifth honk sounding as Dec grinned sheepishly at Ant while gesturing for him to get in. Giving Dec the bird – that merely reduced Dec to hysterics behind the wheel – Ant grumpily climbed into the passenger side, unable to keep the frown on his face as Dec repeatedly revved the engine like he was driving a racecar. "Seriously, Declan? First you're 20 minutes late, and then you have to wake up the whole neighborhood?!" Ant grouched, face set in an exaggerated pout, unable to stay angry at his friend, who was currently grinning at him.

"Sorry, Ant, I didn't mean to be late" – "Yeah, likely story," Ant grumbled under his breath – "but it was a busy morning. Madam was being difficult. I'd like to see you trying to get her dressed while she's having a strop!" Dec rolled his eyes exasperatedly. He adored his nearly 16-month old daughter, he really did, but she was a bit much at times. Her tantrum this morning had been over the fact they'd changed her breakfast cereal. Dec had repeatedly explained that the store was out of her normal food, it wasn't his fault, he was sorry, and he'd get her regular cereal just as soon as he could. But she was having none of it, ending up tipping the entire bowl all over herself at the height of her fury, even managing to save some to angrily smear on Dec's face and shirt when he went to pick her up. And then he'd had to change a squirmy, complaining toddler all by himself...No mean feat, that's for sure!

"It was a nightmare, let me tell you!" Dec moaned, as Ant laughed uproariously at his tale of his difficult morning. "And then as soon as I had her clean and dressed again, she went and did a poo and I had to change her!" His voice was now comically high-pitched, self-pity ringing in his words. Ant couldn't help it, he snorted with laughter again, even as Dec shot him a glare, not finding his morning's adventures all that amusing. "So by the time I got meself cleaned up – I had to change me whole outfit! – it was stupid late already. I'm sorry." Finishing his story, Dec couldn't help but join in on the laughter. It had been quite a funny morning, if you looked at it from Ant's point of view. And Dec couldn't stay angry at his daughter for long, even if she had gotten milk and soggy cereal all over one of his favorite shirts.

"I swear, Declan, your excuses for being late have gotten far more imaginative now you're a dad," Ant chuckled, nerves now long-forgotten. Dec just shook his head at him, grinning, driving smoothly through the streets of Newcastle.

"Unc Ant, Unc Ant!!!" an insistent little voice rang out from the backseat, the sound of tiny hands clapping delightedly audible over the animated chatter. Ant jumped in shock, twisting around in his seat only to find himself staring at little mischief-maker Isla Donnelly, who was bouncing up and down in her car seat with excitement at seeing her beloved uncle, trying to grab his attention.

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