Chapter two: Starbucks

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sitting in the front seat I look into the rear view mirror I see Devin leaning against Tyler.  not that I have anything against that just.... not in my car.  Corey gives a loud sigh and turns the music up. I look out my window and just notice the scenery that I apparently did not notice when I would drive.

"So if you had to choose cheetah or blue  macaw what would you save?" My eyes widen in disbelief.

"How the hell do you not know who I would choose! Of course a cheetah. They are what keeps us going that keeps the world fighting for the environment!!!"

Corey leans back against the seat and locks his elbows with a shocked look on his face but still keeping his eyes on the road.

"Well, blue macaws have a right as well to be on the earth as well." I roll my eyes and stop the arguement. But just in time cause we pull up to Starbucks.

We get in and Corey asks what I want.
"Venti mocha with caramel drizzle two shots of coffee and three shots of espresso. With a hint of white chocolate and a hint of dark chocolate." Corey's eyesbvwent wide.

"Alright never mind you can say your order for your self." I roll my eyes and walk up to the counter and relay my banter to the barista. Surprisingly he kept up and even relayed it all to me and got it all correct. I nod my head in approvment.

I wait for my drink and when it comes the barista who took my order gives me his number and name. I give a small smile and look at the cup. "Micky"
Hmmmm....that has a good ring to it. I put the number into my phone and text right a way. And still when I see he already has read it.

"What are you smiling about? Corey asks. Looking over my short shoulder. I quickly tuck my phone into my Jean pocket and turn around. "Nothing you little snoop."

He raises an eyebrow and looks me in the eye. I start to get red. And it feels like he is seeing right through my skin and clothes. And I sortive feel violated.

He looks away and walks out. "Everyone have their drinks?" I tell out. And see that everyone nodded and so did I in agreement. We walk out and head back to the car this time letting Tyler sit in the front. And me and Devin  just sitting there not talking and not even looking at each other.

Well that was an awkward trip to a Starbucks...... what am I going to do when we get back...? Should I text the guy now that i know that Corey knows there is something going on? Or should I not care and just continue talking to Micky. Or should I just not doing anything and hide from both of them...? I don't know...... but I do know that I won't let this effect what I do in the future.....


Sorry about the late update my friend reminded me about my story today and so yeah I'm just being honest.. hehehe. And please let me know if you want to have more. 😁

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