Take her

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{picture Jacob Saint-John and The Shark}
~Violet POV~
Today started like any other day for me, I got up cooked breakfast for me and Jacob, and after breakfast I cleaned the kitchen again. I clean the kitchen after every meal to keep the mess down; And Jacob goes to get ready for work while I'm cleaning.

"Jacob what would you like for lunch today?" I ask in a slightly raised voice so he can hear me in his bedroom
"Nothing I'll get lunch at work today." He answers coming out of his room "by the way I'm going to the store today after work; do you need anything?"
"Nope I think I'm good. But if I notice anything I'll call you" I answer back with a small smile
"I want Steak, potatoes, and asparagus for dinner tonight" Jacob said in a rather demanding tone "and my steak better be right tonight" he added
"Yes of course medium just how you like it" i quickly said back. I don't like when he gets that demanding tone in his voice
"Remember the rules! No going out without me" he told me while walking towards the door
"I know I know I won't go outside the house without you" I say "I never do" I added quietly hoping he wouldn't hear me
"I'm sorry" I say quietly while looking down at the floor

Jacob doesn't say anything back he just set the security system that will alert his phone if a door window gets opened and slams the door behind him as he is walking out.
Well that definitely could have gone better I just don't get why he reminds me of the rules every day before he leaves. I've had the same rules my whole life, I think I'd know what they are and what happens if I break them.
Well since he set the security system I won't be opening a window today to get let a breeze in.

The rest of my day is like every other I pick up around the house, sweep, vacuum and mop the wood floors in the whole house, except the 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, the kitchen, and laundry room. I do the same to the tile floors in the bathrooms, the kitchen, and laundry room; along with scrubbing down every surface in them. Than I just vacuum the bedrooms pick them up making sure everything is where it belongs and start the laundry.
Around 5pm she starts dinner for Jacob and herself. 45 minutes later it's done cooking so she goes to get changed out of her cleaning clothes and than sets the dinner table by 6:15.
Jacob should be home any minute so she gets his favorite scotch and a glass setting it on the table.

Jacob still isn't home and I'm really getting worried about him. He's out late sometimes but never this late.
I think I hear someone yelling outside so I go close to the door
"I don't have any money here!" Jacob saying his voice doesn't sound like normal though
"Jacob your home" I yelled while opening the door. When I saw Jacob I was shocked he was being dragged by some man and he was bloody and bruised all over
"Oh My God Jacob!" I yelled when I saw him
The man dragging him threw him through the open door
"Where does he keep the money Sweet thing" he said to me in an angry tone
" Money?" I said confused "there no money here"
"see I told you" Jacob blurted out before the man can say anything Else
" shut up before I make you shut up!" He snapped at Jacob

I have no idea who this man is but he scary looking, he's older, got some scruff on his face, a tidy haircut, he's wearing all black and a leather jacket, Mia just has this mean look in his eye like he could kill someone and not even think twice

" i'm sorry but why are you doing this" I stammered out confused
" he owes me money sweet thing and I will get what's owed to me" he snapped at me in a nasty tone
"Oh I'm sorry, yes you should definitely get what you are owed but if you'd be willing to give them a few days I'm sure he can have the money for you" I said quietly hoping that even though this man was scary and look like he could kill he might be willing to give Jacob a few days and not hurt him anymore
"Few days! I've given him two extra weeks" he snapped Angerly at me
"Please I don't have it there Has to be something else I can pay you back with" Jacob pleads

The man pulled back as I'm like he was going to hit Jacob again
And even though I was scared of him I grabbed his arm
"Please don't sit" I pleaded sweetly with him
"Her you can have her to Pay my debt, she cooks and cleans" Jacob quickly said

I was in complete and utter shock I could not believe the words that just came out of my brothers mouth
" really I can have her?" He said ins glad tone
"Who's he to you sweet thing?" He asked me
"My big brother" I quietly answered still in shock
" You're giving me your little sister?" He asked Jacob
" yes take her do what you want to her" Jacob quickly replied

Hearing him say that completely broke my heart and broke me out of my shock and I started crying.

"Take off your clothes sweet thing" he said to me
"W-W-Wh-What" I stammered
"I SAID TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES!" He yelled while ripping my tank top open and revealing the white lacy bra I was wearing underneath
"W-What a-are y-you d-doing" I stammered out while balling my eyes out
"He gave you to me so I'm taking what's mine, now strip or am I going to have to rip all your clothes off" he replied in a flat town like the fact that he was about to rape me was nothing to him
"No! Get away from me" I screamed while turning to train runaway

But he grabbed me by my Long blonde hair pulling me back. Causing me to fall back and hit my head on the hard wood floors in the living room

Everything went black

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