Pay Him a Visit

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{picture Aiden and Annika. Luke twin siblings}
~Luke POV~
I'm in my office doing some work when my brother Aiden walks in

"Yes Aiden" I replied
"Jacob Saint-John still hasn't paid" he said frustrated.
"What was his excuse?" I asked equally frustrated, we had given that prick extra time and he still doesn't have my money!
"Which one" Aiden said like a question and a statement

Now I was more frustrated he's had multiple excuses! My money man has got some explaining to do now!!!

"All of them!" I demanded
"First time he said his mother died"

Well ok I can be ok with that it's his mother

"Second time his kid got sick"

That's also possible children get sick all the time

"Third time His Second kid got cancer"

Now I'm having a hard time believe this, mom dies, kid gets sick, than another kid gets cancer back to back to back in a 2 month time period

"Does he even have any kids" I asked Aiden
"Not sure, I'm not finding any but that doesn't mean he doesn't. But I do know his mom died 21 years ago" he told me

Now I know the kids were lies he lied about his mother dying he definitely lied about the kids. He said gave that for a excuse because everyone knows how I feel about woman and children.

"ANNIKA!!!" I yell from my office
"Yes" Annika says while she walks into my office
"The Demon and The Grim Reaper need to pay Jacob Saint-John a visit" I calmly said to her
"Fun! I'll go get changed" she excitedly says while skipping her way out my office
{Aiden is The Grim, Annika is Reaper, when they work together which they always do they are The Grim Reaper}

Aiden and myself also go get changed. I am wearing black pants, red Hoodie, black leather jacket. Annika is wearing Black skin tight jeans, a black crop top and black leather jacket, along with black high heeled ankle boots. How my sister does this in 6 inch heels I have no idea. Aiden wearing, black pants, black hoodie, and black leather jacket.
We load up after getting dressed. I grab my Red and black Knife set and my matching red and black 45; What can I say the Demon is always in red and black when it's time to play.
Annika grabs her purple and black throwing knives and her matching 45 and Aiden just grabs his silver and black knife set.

When we arrived at the Saint-John house the front door is wide open so we go right in.
Walking right in like we own the place was the best decision.
When we walked in the house we can see the back of a man head on the couch and The shark shirtless and undoing his pants. Than as we moved closer we can see a naked girl laying on the floor unconscious.
Knowing what was about to happen I start to see RED!!! He was about to rape that unconscious girl! I will not let that happen

"STOP SHARK NOW!!!!" I yelled in a low deep voice
"She's mine Demon he gave her to me" The Shark demanded at me like that gives him the right to rape her.

Before I can get my gun or a knife out Annika already has and throws one of her throwing knives at him. Landing it right through his penis

"AHHHHHHHHH! YOU BITCH ILL KILL YOU FOR THAT!!!!!!!" The Shark screams as he ties to stay standing
As Shark is screaming Aiden and I moved over towards him and the girl getting between them protecting her
"No one threatens Reaper" Aiden says while stabbing The Shark in the gut and the leg

Aiden has The Shark and he is down so I turn my attention to the girl. I grab the blanket off the couch and cover her up with it. While I'm getting her covered Annika goes over to Jacob Saint-John on the couch with one of her knives out.

"Who is she!" Annika demands Jacob
"My sister Violet" Jacob answered in a voice that had no emotion to it
"YOU GAVE HIM YOUR SISTER!!!" Annika and I yell
" I have no other way to pay, I have no money! You can take her as my payment to you please Demon, Grim Reaper I have no other way to pay" Jacob blabs out with fear now in his voice
" you are the lowest scum on this earth!" I tell Jacob
"Hmmmm I like the way you think" Annika says tapping her knife on her chin like she's in deep though
"Reaper are you thinking what I'm Thinking?" Aiden asks
"Knife me Grim" Annika answers and they share an evil smile

Aiden pulls out his curved knife and hands it to Annika, she sees which one he gave her and her evil smile grows bigger, clearly that's the exact knife she wanted.

Now normally I'd be the one taking lead on something like this but I'm checking violet to make sure she isn't injured seriously. And thankfully there no cut or blood anywhere so she is unharmed.

"You are Scum Jacob and I'm going to make sure everyone knows it" Annika tells him

Jacob seems to be in a frozen state from his fear that and he's been falling in and out of consciousness from being beaten already.
Annika rips open Jake up shirt and across his abs and chest cuts the word SCUM on him. The cuts are jagged and will most definitely scar. Annika said everyone would know and now anyone that sees him shirtless will know he is SCUM.
Jacob didn't fight Annika not that it would have helped all at or that he could considering both his arms are broken.

I picked up Violet and help her in my arms bridal style, "Grim Reaper it's time to go!"
They both nod their heads and than Annika went to get her knife out of The sharks penis, when she pulled it out she made sure to cut as much of him up as she could. His member was definitely never going to be the same again, hell it might not even work again

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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