Chapter 1: Fate is strange

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Emma's POV

My name is Emma Lakeway and I'm 18 years old. I was born in 2001 with a loving mother and father, but sadly that changed when they both got into a really bad car accident that cost them their lives. I was only 7 at the time the accident happened. I was taken care of by my Uncle, Seto. He was always busy with work but he still managed to be there for me. Ever since then... I still feel like something was missing, but I didn't worry much about it. I have a good friend who is always there when I need a hand and who cheers me up, his name is Takiyo Tomo Oguri, but he lets his friends call him Tomo. Tomo is one of my childhood friend that stayed with me since the accident with my parents. It was nice of him to be by my side but I honestly didn't deserve his kindness. I always pushed him away and I was rude to him at first but he slowly became my friend. We always stick together in school, until one day he said that he was going to transfer schools and go to a private like school. Of course, I was upset that we weren't going to be able to see each other until our summer break but as long as he was happy, I would be happy too. I didn't want him to think that him leaving would make me feel depressed. Anyways, I was walking back to my apartment building from the supermarket when I remembered that I needed to check my mail. Of course, being a responsible teen, I walked to my mailbox unit and put the keys into my box. I opened my box my and pulled out some mail. I looked through throwing away the junk mail until I came across a letter from my uncle. I closed my box and pulled out the keys. I was about to open the letter until someone bumped into me.

"Hey, Emma!" Cried out a young man about my age. I looked up to see who it was and Tomo was there in front of me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you like that." His purple hair was a mess as usual but he was wearing a black mouth mask today. It was unlike him to wear a mouth mask like that in the middle of this warm weather.

"It's fine... you're just lucky I didn't fall. What's with the mask?" I answer back holding in my laughter.

"This thing? Oh, nothing... I just felt like wearing it. What's so funny?"

"Ha, your hair. It's a mess. Didn't you brush it this morning?"

"Huh? Of course, I did! I guess running around made it a mess, hahaha. Hmm? Did you go to the store?"

"Yeah, I did actually. I was running low on food so, I went to the market to pick up a few things."

"Doesn't your uncle do that for you?"

"He does but don't you remember? He went on a business trip. He won't be back until a few more months. He wrote me a letter." I showed him the letter as I tried to carry my bags.

"Oh right! I completely forgot. Uh... You need help?" He pick up both of my bags and hold them in one arm.

"Hey, I had it. You don't always have to help, but thanks."

"No problem, I always like to help pe-... I mean you." I started walking the path to my apartment building as he followed behind. "By the way, I was wondering if you would like to come over to my folk's place for dinner?"

"Dinner? That sounds nice... I'll go, what time?"

"It's in the evening. 7:30 pm should be a good time."

"7:30 pm it is. I'll see you then-" But before we both reached the building, a random guy pulled us into an alleyway where no one could see us. He made me hit my back against the cool brick walls. "What the-??" I thought in my mind. "Is this guy really mugging us??"

"Well, well, well... if it isn't Tomo himself?" Said the guy as he pulled Tomo's mask of his face revealing a bruise around his mouth. "How have you've been buddy?"

"Tomo? Do you know this guy??" I asked looking towards him. He made Tomo dropped both of my bags.

"I can't say that I do..." he managed to say before getting punched in the face. "Ack...!"

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