Chapter 3: Blue night

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Emma's POV

I hold Liam as tight as I could and close my eyes. I waited for the demon to finish me off but nothing... I opened my eyes and saw that Liam wasn't in my arms. I looked up and saw a person who shielded me. They knock the demons back. I stared at this person, he had a cat's tail but his ears were down and pointy. Not like a cat at all but more like an elf and he had horns that curve under his ear and pointed towards his face... no... it couldn't be. "L-Liam?" I called his name. The person looked back at me. It was no denying that he was the kitten. One of his eyes was blue while the other was red. His hair was long so it was held back in a ponytail. He smiled at me, but before he had a chance to say something the Demon came charging at him. "Watch out!" I screamed. He summoned a sword and cut the Demon in half. Before it fell on the ground it disappeared in a dark cloud of smoke. With his other hand, he helps me up to my feet.

"Emma are you okay!?" Martin said as he finally arrived with Max to my side.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm okay."

"Is that?" He looked over to Liam, still with his sword out resting it on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I was surprised too."

"How did he... when did he level up that much??" Before I could have answered. We saw Takahiro get thrown against a wall. We all rushed over to him. His mask laid beside him broken in two parts and his face was revealed to show us red markings on his cheeks and on top of his nose. It looked the same as his mask did. His long precious hair was also cut off. "Takahiro! Are you okay??"

"He's breathing but slowly. He needs to rest but he'll be fine." Max said making Takahiro sit up. We could all tell that he was in pain as he tries to talk normally.

"Gah.... ah.... mek..." Takahiro tries to speak out but he was stopped by his own cough. As he cough, we could see little amounts of blood appear.

"What did that to him?" We all hear a roar behind us. I looked behind me and saw the demon responsible for throwing Takahiro.

"Well, well, well... there you are... I've been searching for you..." the demon growled. "Master will be so pleased... with me..." It started walking towards us. "My... look at how much you've grown... and it's only been 340,866 years... time hasn't even changed you one bit... but... where is your guardian? Isn't he supposed to be here, you know... protecting you." I looked back at both Martin and Max but Max was treating Takahiro's wounds and Martin looked scared for his life. I still looked around but Tomo was nowhere to be found.

"Wha-... what did you do to Tomo!?" I asked the demon.

"The halfling? Ha... bahahaha!!! He put up a good fight but... he's weak... I only ended the suffering for both him and me... by now he's already dead when he hit the ground." My eyes widened. Did the demon drop Tomo from the side of the building?

"No... NO! YOU'RE LYING! He can't be... no..." I felt my eye water up.

"You threw my brother off the building!?" Martin yelled out as I couldn't believe what the demon told me. Tomo can't die... he just can't. "You'll pay for this!!" Martin and Star both ran at the Demon. Star started shooting the Demon in any spot that seemed vulnerable to him but it didn't work. Nothing was bringing the Demon down. I was trying to walk closer to the Demon but my legs were getting weak that I collapsed on my knees. I hit the floor trying to hold back my tears. Liam was by my side, every step. "No, no, no... TOMO!" I yelled out his name as tears fell down my cheeks.

Tomo's POV

I opened my eyes. For some odd reason, I was on the ground in an alley, looking up at the sky seeing all the stars shine at me. "Eh? Why am I on the ground?" I sat up. "All I can remember is fighting that demon and-..." I remember that the demon picked me up and calling me a halfling... after that, it threw me off the roof. "That fucken bastard..." I sighed. "River? Are you still here?" I call out to him as I saw him float down.

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