Dan x Remi

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It was just a normal day like every other; wake up, eat, discord, work. As Dan's about to go out to his car his doorbell rang. Just like any normal person Dan went to see who was there only to see a cheerful lil Christian boi standing there with two cups of coffee, "Wanna do the carpools?" Remi asked with faint blush upon his cheeks. Dan instantly cheered up at the sight of Remi, "Of course, a free ride is a free ride am I right?" Dan said taking the coffee with a small chuckle. Remi skipped to the car coffee in had unlocking the car with Dan walking behind him making sure to lock up.

Once in the car the two jave come across a road incident that caused a tragic jam making it unable to move anywhere at the moment. The two looked at each other only to blush and look away causing an awkward silence. Both Dan and Remi did not like the silence so coincidently at the same time they went to reach for the radio only to touch hands. Remi was the first to turn red and look the other way, Dan second. "Hey...um, are we... Good?" Dan asked kinda worriedly hoping not to reveal his feelings he's has for Remi for quiet some time now but also not wanting to loose Remi as a friend.

Remi turned around with teary eyes and a small smile, "Yeah.." Dan wiped the tears away using his thumbs also holding Remi's face careingly, "What's wrong Remi?" Dan asked handing Remi his 10% off Phinneas Coffee using code Dangle with a variety of blends. Remi takes a sip, "I wanted to keep this hidden but I can't..." Remi surprisingly puts his coffee back down, holds both of Dan's hands, stares deeply into his eyes and says, " Dan, I like you. Like, like-like, you know? Like, I really like-like you. And I have for a while now."

Dan was really surprised and shocked but soon he turned his face to lean in and give Remi a kiss. When Dan backed away with a smile he said to Remi, "Its ok, I like-like you too." This time Remi was the one to lean in to kiss Dan wrapping his arms around Dan's neck as well.

The rest of the day Dan and Remi carried on at work. At the end of the day Remi drove Dan home since they carpooled in the morning and decided to hang out at Dan's house.

As soon as Dan unlocked his house he turned around and picked Remi up bridal style and bringing him into his house. Dan gently placed Remi on the couch and went back to the front door to lock it and went back to Remi.

For hours Dan and Remi watched Netflix and cuddled on the couch with Dan playing with Remi's hair most of the time causing Remi to fall asleep laying on Dan's chest. Dan was admiring how cute Remi looked while asleep until his back starting hurting from the couch, and so Dan pick Remi up bridal style carefully to not wake him up and brought him up to his bed. After Dan layer Remi down on his bed he laid next to him being the big spoon the rest of the night with Remi as the little spoon curled up in a little ball back to Dan.

Now they just have to tell the rest if Snack Tyme.

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