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Lauren sat absolutely still, her face appearing a lot paler than normal.
This stranger had just practically threatened her life and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it...

The mother mumbled out, her hand accidentally brushing over one of the red petals that belonged to the rose mystery girl had placed in her house.

Pacing along the wooden floor, Lauren tried her best to think as reasonably as she possibly could.
She knew she couldn't go to the police in fear of her child's life.
She couldn't go to her mothers and risk Clara calling the police.
She wasn't about to go to Dinah...

Hell, she had yet to forgive the Polynesian for what she had said to her.
She'd forgive her in due time...just not now.

{Camila's P•O•V• }

Staring at the cameras, the Latina couldn't help but grin as she watched the raven haired female pace the floor in an almost perfect pattern.
She had only been off by a few steps.

Camila knew she had gotten to Lauren with her words, but she couldn't have Lauren going to the police.

Not when they were supposed to be together, which they would be.
Camila would make sure of it.

Eying the monitor that showed the various cameras she had placed around Lauren's home, Camila grew much more infatuated just on the way the mother was soon running to the nursery where her daughter lay fast asleep.
It was quite pitiful that Lauren thought Camila would go after an innocent child.

Didn't she know Camila would only do that if completely necessary?
She'd only do that if said child was coming between the two.

She couldn't let anyone come between them.

"I'll get to you soon mí amour"
Camila whispered, before her attention was being pulled away by the familiar ringing of her cellphone.

"Cabello Speaking."

"Hey Mila, it's Shawn. I just wanted to call to ask you about the bar tonight, are we still going?"

"I can't, I have an important thing to do, regarding work."

"What's more important than our regular weekday outing?"

"You know I can't tell you Shawn. I've got to go, I'll call you later."
Camila sighed out before she was watching Lauren yet again.
The mother seemed to have been on the phone.

"No, Listen. Lucy please! Alright fine, I'll get my mom to watch Harmony. Which club are we meeting at?"


"The Silver Bell is a gay bar Luce! I can't go there!"

Camila's grin only grew the more Lauren spoke.

"Okay, Fine. I'll be there in an hour. Meet me by the bar in the back okay? Okay bye."

Standing up, Camila pushed her chair out of the way so she could make it over to her computer which sat a few feet to her right.
Not wasting any time, Camila got to typing in the name of the gay bar that this Lucy person had recommended. To say her eyes lit up would be an understatement.

The bar was only 6.2 Miles away!

Grabbing her phone, Camila was quick to call her best friend back, the stupid grin never leaving her face.

"Shawn, we're going clubbing."

{Lauren's P•O•V• }

9:15 P.M.

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