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Lauren's P.O.V.
Pale arms wrapped around the entire torso of the small toddler, her life depending on it. She had to keep her child safe after all.

It had been nearly four and a half hours on the road by now, the small family having been hidden in a small compartment within the giant semi truck by her father.

At first, Lauren was beyond sceptical, but at the realization that this truly was a life of death situation, Lauren found herself climbing into the back of the truck without looking back.

Smaller green orbs struggled to stay open, her hands gripping onto her mother's arm, as fear coursed through little veins. Now, for anyone, what the small child had been through would be seen as a scary scenario in itself. But to the toddler, whom had sensory issues, it was traumatic.

"Hey, it's okay to close your eyes..mama's right here."
The green eyed beauty whispered, her pale hand stroking her child's hair in a gentle manner.

It was terrifying for the young mother. She didn't know what was going on in the younger girl's mind, and on top of that her child was practically non-verbal, so it wasn't like she could exactly tell her mother what was bothering her.

Letting out a sigh, Lauren just continued to hold the shaking toddler. It was all she could do at the moment. She just hoped Karla, or Camila...whatever her real fucking name was, got what was coming to her.


Looking up towards the large door at the back of the semi, two sets of sensitive jade green eyes were being met with a large amount of light.

Lauren called out, her voice raspier than usual. She hadn't been using it much so that aspect was understandable.

"Yeah, Laur it's me. I'm stopping to get a bite to eat, do you and the baby want anything?"
The deep voice questioned.

"Uhm, where are we?"
From her spot in the semi, Lauren couldn't see shit.

"A restaurant called 'Havana Curry'. They also have a few american style dishes as well though, like tenders for the kiddos."
Mike explained, his head now peeking into Lauren's view sight.

"Oh, okay...I will have what you are having and can you just grab some white rice for the baby? I have some other things for her in my bag."

Nodding his head, Mike sent the toddler a small smile, before the door was being closed again.

Now in the comfort of just herself and her mother, Harmony's body relaxed ever so slightly, her eyes still refusing to close.

All Lauren could do was let out a quiet sigh, while leaning down and kissing the crown of the toddler's head.

Camila's P.O.V.
Stuck within her own cabin, Camila had barely come to her senses before the sounds of skinny twigs breaking were filling the once, quiet atmosphere.

"My head is killing me."
The Cuban muttered out, her eyes slowly opening and closing. She didn't recognize her whereabouts at first, but the second her nose picked up the musty, wet cedar stench, the woman's memory came flying back to her.

The brown eyed Cuban hissed out, her arms pulling on the restraints that she had just had her beloved Lauren tangled in.

She had tricked her...and boy was she going to pay for her mistakes.

"Someone! Help!"
The petite female began to call out, in hopes that her crew was doing their hourly patrol.

It was something she had set up when she'd first captured Lauren. It was meant to prevent exactly what had happed. Nothing would have went wrong if she hadn't been so...so stupid!

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