Part 18

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(Y/n) P.O.V

Veronica sipped on her iced latte while I was eating some pizza. We had stopped at two different places to get what we wanted to eat. "How's the single life?" Veronica asked seemingly out of nowhere. Should I tell her that I got back with him? I mean she doesn't even know that I'm going out with is it a good idea to even answer truthfully? "Pretty good." I simply answered. "Pretty good?" Veronica raised an eyebrow at me. "Yea." I took another bite of my pizza. "Oh come on (Y/n), you can't lie to me." My eyes widen as I paused to look at her. "I can explain-" "You need to go out more." She interrupted me. "What?" "Wait what do you mean you can explain?" Veronica looked lost. "I thought you meant that... well yea..." Shit I can't think of anything to lie about. "Well its whatever now!"She giggled. Yea totally... totally...

"We should have a sleepover!" Veronica clapped her hands. "A sleepover?" "Yea like tonight! Omg I actually had a sleepover before! We can talk about boys and put make up on each other." Veronica rambled on. "Sounds like a great idea." I smiled at her. "Yes! Aw but I have to ask my mom or dad... lemme give them a call." She left somewhere to call them. Oh shit...I forgot Levi agreed to pick me up... hopefully he's not here.. and I was wrong. He's here! Why the hell did he get off his car? We both agreed we would meet up somewhere else, so why the hell is he here? Levi walked around a few places until our eyes meet. I mouthed to him 'Get out of here' he looked at me lost. 'What' he mouthed back. My fingers brushed my hair, I'm getting frustrated way too quick. 'Go awa-' "Is that Mr. Ackerman!?" Veronica squealed. "How do I look?" Veronica was dusting off her outfit, she then continued to grab my hand to pull me where he was at. "Mr. Ackerman! Hi!" She waved at him. Levi eyes widen to the realization on what I was trying to tell him. "Hi Misses V and...(Y/n)..." his eyes twitched a bit. "What are you doing here?" She asked him. "Looking at stuff." Though there was some type of sarcasm in there. "Oh Mr. Ackerman I just wanted to say thank you for helping me out." She let go of my hand. "Yea... I have to go now. I'll see you on Monday." Before Levi could leave Veronica puled him into a hug. "I appreciate you being all nice Misses V, but I don't think my girlfriend would be very fond if she caught me hugging a girl." My eyes widen as I looked at Levi. No fucking way he's going to tell her! "That would be wrong, wouldn't it Miss (Y/n)?" Why the hell is he acting so formal for anyways!? If he's going to say it he should just say it! "Yea I guess that would." Veronica gasped. Did she get it? "You have a girlfriend? Oh I'm so sorry if I'm going to get you in trouble!" She bowed down. "Its okay. I'm sure she would understand, but I have to look for her now. I was suppose to pick her up two hours ago, but she hasn't came." He glared at me. Were we suppose to meet up two hours ago? Holy shit! Okay now I know why he was wondering around. "Well I'm sorry to hear that- hopefully she comes." She started to rub his arm. Levi looked a bit uncomfortable, but he smiled awkwardly at her and took a few steps.

Veronica took me back to her house which surprised me. It was big- it was like a mansion. When we went inside we were greeted by a maid. "Welcome home Master Veronica." Huh master? I didn't know her parents had this type of money. Well then again I don't really pay attention to these type of details. "Make dinner, my friend and I are hungry." She bossed her around. "Yes master." The maid bowed down and quickly left to I'm assuming was the kitchen. "Hehe anyways lets go to my room. We'll have dinner in my room." She smiled at me. "Okay..." We both walked up the stairs and entered a room. It was so neat. There was a big bed and her closet was opened showering off the type of clothes she had, most of them seemed to be from high off brands. "Veronica dear..." there was a women standing by the door. "Mom!" She ran to hug her. "Where's dad?" She asked. "At work.. oh who's this?" Her mom waved at me. "This is my best friend (Y/n)!" I really wouldn't say best friend... "Well I'm glad you can keep her company at school (Y/n)." She said.

After we ate dinner in her room, we changed clothes into some more comfy ones. "I can't believe Mr. Ackerman has a girlfriend!" Veronica was laying on her stomach playing with her hair. "Yea me too.." "Do you like him as well?" Veronica asked. "Huh? What? No! Of course not he's mean and.." Well even if he's mean he is sweet... though we don't communicate well we always end up loving each other even more... "Oh okay hehe... cause I might have a tiny little crush on him... but even knowing that he has a girl friend is not going to stop me." "Veronica!" I gasped out loud. "What? It's not going to hurt anyone." She did some puppy eyes. "All I'm saying is be careful what you do, because... that's not right." I scolded her. "Yes mom.." She rolled her eyes. We were talking for hours, though she would always go back to talking about Levi which bugged me... It seemed like she had an obsession towards him. She even told me that there were some girls trying to talk to him when he first go to that school, but that she said something to them which made them stop. Well that makes sense why those group of girls were there couple of times. What did she tell them? I tried to force her to tell me, but she would just giggle and talk about how Levi was so dreamy. It's starting to scare me a bit- she even said she would go as far to see where he lives. If only she knew about us...

She's out of her mind...

and its scaring me..

No one can find out about us...

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