Chapter 3

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"Hey Uncle Fred!"

"Lily did you take my socks?"

"James give it BACK!"

"Dad, where's my trunk?"

"Mum, MUM!"

"James, give it back to her please."

"Hi Rose!"

"Mrs Weasley, do you have a cookie?"

It was the day before their departure for Hogwarts, and the Burrow was in its usual uproar. People packing, people looking for things, people yelling at each other. Molly Weasley sighed contentedly. It was perfect. The Burrow had become the way it used to be, full of life and children and messes. She smiled happily to herself as she gave James another cookie.

Dinner that night was reserved, as another Auror had been tortured to the point of insanity. The next morning, though, Voldemort was the last thing on anybody's mind. There was last minute packing to do, people and books to find, and all the rest. When finally everything was in order, the children and their parents were escorted in Ministry cars to Kings Cross, with the new Minister of Magic, Hermione Granger. When they arrived, they walked to the barrier between platforms nine and ten, furtively checking if anyone was watching. When Rose got the all clear, she pushed her trolley through, followed by James, Albus, Lily and Hugo. Their parents came in later. They found a good compartment and loaded their things in, waving to their parents and shouting "I'll write!" out the window.

As Harry watched the train roll out of sight, he bit his lip. Something wrong was going to happen. Ginny sensed his discomfort and whispered "They'll be fine." Ron looked over at Harry and said, "Back to work, mate? I reckon they've got a lead now. Blimey, this guy is tricky. He always knows what we're doing!"

Harry looked at him strangely "Ron, this is Voldemort we're talking about. Of course he's tricky. Can't say he's very nosy though!!"

They all cracked up. Hermione, wiping the tears from her eyes, and said, "Well I'd better get back to work. I have a meeting about now. Oh my god it's with Draco Malfoy!"

Ginny narrowed her eyes "What's it for?" Hermione shook her head in dismay. "I have no idea."

Ron started snickering. "At least you can rub it in his face that the 'Mudblood' he said would never get anywhere became Minister of Magic!" Hermione looked at him disapprovingly. "I wouldn't do that!" she looked thoughtful "Then again, some things are just too tempting! Well, gotta go! Bye guys!" she disapparated, leaving them still laughing.

After that they went their separate ways, Ron and Harry to work, Ginny to Quidditch training.

~With the kids~

"I can't believe this is your first year, Lily!" exclaimed Rose, as they poured over the new edition of 'Which Broom'.

"I know!" Lily replied excitedly, "I can't wait!"

James shrugged. "It's not that awesome."

Rose glared at him. "Of course it is, for a first year! We're in our third year." he shrugged again.

Albus and Hugo, meanwhile, were talking animatedly about the last Qudditch World Cup which had happened last year. A while later the trolley of sweets arrived. Rose Lily and James started playing Exploding Snap while eating chocolate frogs and Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans. Then all too soon, it was time to change into their robes and wait for the appearance of the greatest wizarding school in history (in their opinion, of course). When they arrived, Lily and Hugo were taken with Hagrid on the boats, while Rose, James and Albus went through the gates to the Great Hall. Lily and Hugo lines up with the nervous other first years, waiting to be placed in a house.

"Malfoy, Scorpius."


"Finnigan, Lila."


"Thomas, Kristy."


Finally, there were just two names left.

"Weasley, Hugo."

"GRYFFINDOR!" The Gryffindor table cheered loudly.

"Potter, Lily." Professor McGonagall placed the hat on her head. The strange thing was, she couldn't hear its voice talking her mind. She shrugged it off, and waited for the verdict.


The whole hall went silent. Lily turned scarlet all over. She was in Slytherin?! She was supposed to be in Gryffindor! James, Albus, Rose and now Hugo were stating at her, shocked. Lily tore the hat off her head and ran out of the hall, sobbing.

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