Chapter 5: Friends!!!

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Frisk: *Frisk woke up and took a shower. Frisk starts to wear her sweater that she always wear , her shorts and her boots. She went downstairs to the living room and saw the other sanses doing their own things.*

Classic: Hey frisk. Where are you going? *Classic asked while drinking his ketchup.*

Frisk: *Smiles.* I'm going to go and visit betty! She must be feeling lonely on her own. *Frisk said smiling as Classic smiles back.*

Classic: okay then... let me come with you. *Classic said , going to the kitchen to get another ketchup bottle.*

Frisk: Really!? You'll come with me!? *Frisk said , her eyes sparkling with excitement as Classic chuckled.*

Classic: Of course i'm going. If she does something wrong i'll stop her. *Classic said getting the ketchup on the counter.*

Frisk: No , she won't! *Frisk said pouting.* Classic: We'll see about that.

Fell: *Walks in the kitchen.* What are you guys talkin' about?

Classic: Just going to visit Betty , why? *Classic said , raising his non existing brow.*

The star sanses: WE WANT TO COME!!! *Ink , Blue and Dream exclaimed with stars on their eyes.*

Frisk: *Smiles at the star sanses.* Sure!!! The more the merrier!!! *Frisk exclaimed as the star sanses became more excited.*

Nightmare: What's with noise over here? *Nightmare said , walking in the kitchen with the other sanses.*

Blue: WE'RE JUST EXCITED!!! *Blue exclaimed jumping up and down with dream , smiling brightly.*

Cross: Excited for what exactly? *Cross said , raising a non existing brow and CROSSes his arms.*

Classic: We're going to go and visit Betty. *Classic said , putting his ketchup bottle inside his jacket's pocket.*

Ink: And we're coming!! *Ink said stars forming in his eyes.*

Dance: Can i come? Theres nothing really interesting to do here. *Dance said.*

G! sans: yeah! And we'd like to explore undertale too. *G! Sans said. The other sanses agrees to tag along.*

Frisk: Okay!!! *Frisk exclaimed , running to the door with the star sanses , Fresh and Epic.*

Abyss: Wow , their really excited about this. *Abyss said , walking out the door with the other sanses.*

Error: By ThE Way , ClaSsIc , wHeRes yOUr BroThEr? *Error asked Classic.*

Classic: He's training with Undyne right now. *Classic said , locking the front door.*

Dust: Well , we gotta hurry or else we'll lose those kids over there. *Dust said pointing at the star sanses , Frisk , Epic and Fresh.*

Cross: yeah , your right. *As Cross said , running towards them as the other sanses follows.*


Classic went to the castle to talk to the king about the other sanses and Frisk leads the other sanses inside the dungeons. Frisk and the other sanses finally arrived at Betty's cell.

Betty: What are you doing here? *Betty said coldly and glaring at frisk and the other sanses.*

Frisk: we're here to talk. *Frisk said smiling softly. Betty's heart felt something strange in her heart when she saw Frisk cute and beautiful smile.*

Betty: I don't want to talk to you guys. *Betty said coldly to the sanses and looks at Frisk and looks away blushing slightly but none of them notice.* Frisk can only talk to me. *With that said Frisk's face brighten up a bit and asked the others to leave them for now.*

The other sanses went outside and saw Classic. Classic went up to them and asked them what are they doing outside. They told everything that happened and Classic listened closely.

Classic: Alright then. We could go and explore undertale if you want or we could just go ho- *Before Classic could finish his sentence , he was cut off by the star sanses.*

The star sanses: LET'S GO AND EXPLORE UNDERTALE!!!! *the star sanses  exclaimed beaming happily.*

Classic: Exploring it is then! *Classic said and the other sanses follows him and Classic began the tour. They talk about a lot of things with Classic. They exchange puns , funny jokes and eat to some cafe and restaurants.*

   ~Meanwhile with Betty and frisk~

Betty: So... what do you want to talk about. *Betty said , keeping her poker face.*

Frisk: I just want to know more about you and maybe we could be friends? *Frisk said with a cute and soft smile.*

Betty: *Betty was shocked to hear this. Sge never had a friend before. She was happy but , something broke inside Betty's heart. She was confused why her heart hurt. Is it because she doesn't want to be just friends. She wants to be more than friends.* Okay then.

Frisk: *Frisk's smile gets even bigger and they start to talk about their likes and dislikes , stories about their past and more.*

Betty: *When Betty was having a lovely conversation with Frisk she gave up on being evil. She's evil because she's born as a devil. She never felt loved , cared or even friendship. Betty was so happy to have someone to talk to like Frisk. She made up her mind that she fell in love with an angel.*

Classic and the other sanses came back inside the dungeons. Betty glared at them as Frisk stands up and said goodbye to Betty.

Betty was sad that Frisk is going to go but , Frisk said she was going to come back tomorrow and that made betty really happy and excited.

~With Frisk and The other sanses~

They arrive at Classic's house. Classic went to the kitchen to make dinner for everyone.

Classic: Dinners ready!!! *Classic called out to everyone. The sanses and frisk went to go and grab a plate and starts to eat while they were eating they loved every bite of the food their eating. Classic's cooking made them feel like in heaven.*

Papyrus arrive home and ate his brothers cooking with delight. They complimented him about their cooking and he thanked them as he felt a little embarrassed.All of them had a wonderful dinner and they all went to bed after cleaning.




Crazily In Love! (AU Sanses X Classic Sans) Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now