Chapter 12: Just stay with me

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When the other sanses was panicking , Classic took this opportunity to escape from them , he didn't look back at them because he was scared. He keeps running and running not knowing where to go then suddenly....... a portal was created right infront of him as he went inside it as the portal closes.

???: Hey!!! Are you okay? Hey wake up!!! *??? Said trying hard to wake him up. ??? gave up on waking him up so ??? Picked him up and carry's him to ??? Home. ??? Looks at Classic and smiles.* Your kinda cute but.... i'm really curious who hurt you. You look like a marshmallow angel. *???? Said having a sweet and gentle smile on his face that can light up the whole Underfell up!*

???????: BROTHER!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!! I WAS SO WORRIED FOR YOU!! *??????? Exclaimed , worried for his brother and spotted the blue smol skeleton on his brother's back and saw how badly injured he was.*

???: Sorry , brother! I was just helping this poor guy up. *??? Said setting Classic on the couch as his brothers gaze on the other skeleton laying on their sofa soften.*

???????: Okay then , i'll make dinner and some cookies too!!! *?????? Exclaimed happily while his brothers face became sick because his brother is going to bake some cookies for dessert.*

???: T-th-thanks , papy!! *The other tall skeleton smiles at his brother and his name is Papyrus that some of you noticed but , this Papyrus is Ringtale Papyrus and you may have guessed already that his a sans.*

Ringtale Papyrus: IT'S NO PROBLEM AT ALL BROTHER!!! * RT Papyrus said turning his heels to walk towards the kitchen.*

RingTale Sans: *RT Sans heard a grunt as he looks towards the couch was now the sweet marshmallow angel sitting on their sofa while he rubs his still sleepy eye sockets. The image he was looking right now could turn him to dust from so much cuteness from the other skeleton sitting on their couch.*

Classic: Wh-where am i? *Classic asked himself looking around the house as he landed his gaze on the other skeleton. Classic began to shake fear was seen in his eyes.* P-please... d-don't hurt m-me. *Classic said hugging his knees.*

(Ringtale sans name is Ray.)

Ray: *Ray was shocked at this as he starts to panick. He calm himself down and went to the other whimpering skeleton and gently hug him. Classic lift his head up and leans into the others touch feeling comfortable and... safe.*

Classic: *Classic unconsiously smile and decided to maybe trust this person and open up with him because he seems a nice guy.*

Ray: You feeling better? *Ray asked softly rubbing circles on the others back.*

Classic: *Classic nods his head and gently pulls away from the other.* My names Classic  , I'm from undertale and you? *Classic introduced himself abd asked the other.*

Ray: *Ray smiles cutely.* Hi!!! May name is Ray!!! I'm the sans of this AU and my AU is called RINGTALE!!! So....
WELCOME TO RINGTALE!!! *Ray hugged Classic excitedly as Classic was suprised from the sudden change of attitued. First Ray was gentle and comforting and now he became a positive little goof ball. But Classic doesn't mind at all... in fact he find is cute!!*

Classic: *Classic feels so relaxed with him and starts to feel comfortable and safe to be with. Ray's brother called his brother for dinner and so the two skeletons walked together towards the kitchen.*

RT Papyrus: I'M GLAD YOU'RE AWAKE!! PLEASE ENJOY AND BE AT HOME!! MY NAME IS THE GREAT PAPYRUS!! AND YOU ARE? *RT Papyrus introduced himself and asked the other skeleton.*

Classic: My name is Classic! Is nice to meet you! *Classic said enjoying their company.*

~Time Skip :Three days have passed.~
~In Dreamtale~

Crazily In Love! (AU Sanses X Classic Sans) Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now