Chapter 6: Truth or dare?

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"I know what we can do!" Jongdae said as he grabbed Kyungsoo to stop him from chasing Jongin. He sat down in the middle of the floor and dragged Kyungsoo down with him and glanced up at the members. "We'll play truth or dare, but with an empty bottle. We'll sit in a circle here and we'll spin the bottle instead of choosing someone ourselves". Everyone agreed and sat down whilst Yifan took the responsibility to get an empty bottle and then joined the circle. 

"Let's let Baekhyun begin, since he was the last one to enter the group", he said and grinned towards him. Baekhyun protested at first, but everyone seemed to have likened the idea. He sighed weakly, but accepted the bottle whilst placing it in the middle, and spun it around. Naturally, he was mentally praying it wouldn't land on Chanyeol, but that would be too stereotyped in his opinion. Out of 10 other members it could land, there was no way it would actually land on the wrong guy. Baekhyun had crossed his fingers secretly, and it landed on... Sehun. He sighed silently in relief and waited for his choice.

"Sehun, truth or dare?" he asked and waited for an answer with a grin.

"Dare", he answered with a secretly smirk, and Baekhyun tried to come up with something good. He smirked when an idea crossed his mind.

"I dare you to put on a blindfold and slow dance with a member, trying to guess who it is by just touch alone", the little boy smirked and everyone laughed at the idea. Sehun put on the blindfold whilst the others stood in a group circle and tried to decide whom he had to dance with.

"Let it be Luhan", Jongdae smirked, but Kyungsoo shook his head.

"No, it would be too obvious. He'll get it straight away. Let's pick... Minseok hyung". Everyone nodded and sent Minseok over to Sehun, and they started dancing with the audience teasing in the background with the music they made with their bodies and mouths. None of them could hold in their laughter, except Minseok, who had to keep quiet. Sehun used his hand to touch the mysterious boy's face, hair, shoulder and torso. Everyone was amazed at how much time he used to guess.

"Kyungsoo?" Sehun guessed unsure, and they started to laugh and someone protested. "A-ah Minseok!" They laughed again and this time Sehun took off the blindfold to look at his dancing partner. After laughing too much, they sat down again. "Alright, now it's my turn", Sehun smirked cheesy and spun the bottle. It landed on Tao.

"Dare!" he yelled excited and Sehun smirked.

"You have to touch your nose with your tongue, and if you fail you have to touch someone else's nose with your tongue". Some laughed and some did signs that they didn't want to be picked. Baekhyun understood their protest. He didn't want his nose to be licked by Tao either. Tao tried anyways, but he failed. He glanced at the members, but ended up choosing the person next to him, Yifan. He wasn't prepared for the sudden action, and accidently let out a small surprised scream as Tao licked his nose, and everyone laughed at them. 

"My turn!" Tao yelled excitedly and spun the bottle, and it landed on Kyungsoo.

"T-" He interrupted himself as he spotted the death glare Tao was giving him and frowned. He didn't look to be in the mood for an argument and changed his choice immediately. "Dare". Baekhyun giggled at their behaviour and Tao smirked evilly.

"Get on all four and howl and bark at Jongin every time he move or speaks for the next 3 rounds", Tao laughed and everyone followed the laughter, except Kyungsoo of course. He just stared at Tao, and Baekhyun knew he was mentally face palming himself. He spun the bottle after staring at his member, and it landed on Baekhyun again.

"Truth", he chose, as he felt lazy, and didn't want to do anything physically.

"Boring", Jongdae teased and Baekhyun stuck his tongue out at him, and waited for Kyungsoo's question.

"What was your first impression of Chanyeol?" Why Chanyeol? Why did it have to be about him?

"Why him?" Baekhyun asked with a frown, and he raised his one eyebrow at the evil little boy.

"I want to see how soul mates' first impressions was of each other". Baekhyun rolled his eyes and decided to answer honestly. He just had to think of the first time he first met the boy, which was a long time ago.

"He wasn't like what I first thought he was. He was looking cool and serious, kind of like a bad-boy image, but it turned out he was just as playful as me the second we started to talk. I felt jealous of how he could easily communicate with people he hadn't known for that long, and I wanted to be like him. I thought he was amazing". Baekhyun had to quickly stop himself to not speak more than necessary, or get ahead of himself. He glanced at Chanyeol and the boy was surprised by his answer, but then smiled again. Baekhyun snorted and looked back at Kyungsoo, who had dropped his jaw in his lap.

"You're not that different though, Baek. You can also easily communicating with people you don't know well yet, and get along well", Kyungsoo comforted him, and he smiled in return. It was thanks to Chanyeol, Baekhyun had to admit. When they first met, Baekhyun was a very shy person, but Chanyeol had helped him getting more sociable and less shy. He finally spun the bottle again and it landed on Yixing.

"Dare", he said coolly and Baekhyun grinned.

"You have to repeat everything Joonmyun says and does for the rest of the night". He pounded with his head down while they laughed, and Joonmyun started laughing as well, and Yixing imitated it terribly, which made it even more amusing for the rest of the members. When Yixing spun the bottle, and they decided it'd be the last one, it landed on Chanyeol.

"Dare", he answered with a curious grin and waited for Yixing's reply.

"You have to choose one of us on your own to be their slave for rest of the week". God that boy is evil, Baekhyun thought to himself while mentally laughing evilly. Baekhyun snorted, but they all waited curiously of whom Chanyeol would pick. 

"Baekhyun", he said and grinned towards the boy, and he stared back at him surprised. He honestly didn't except him to choose him as he thought he'd be too scared of what the evil boy would make him do.

"Really?" Baekhyun muttered surprised in reply, and he nodded whilst grinning. The others whistled at them and teased them to be flirting, but it didn't last long until they gave up on the game and went to bed.

Baekhyun had just brushed his teeth and walked into his room to change when Chanyeol also walked in.

"You didn't take the slave thing seriously, did you?" Baekhyun asked as he was looking at him through the mirror, and he chuckled.

"The others will keep an eye on us, and you can make me do anything. I'd say it's pretty serious", he responded and Baekhyun widen his eyes.

"Really? So you're really being my slave for the rest of the week?" And it was only Wednesday too...

"Yup". We'll have some fun, Baekhyun thought evilly to himself. Not much fun towards the giant, but Baekhyun didn't care. He'd have lots of fun.  He couldn't help but to grin, and Chanyeol caught him whilst chuckling. "Should I make your bed ready, master?" he joked and Baekhyun nodded seriously, expecting him to do it, which he did. Baekhyun walked out to grab a glass of water and met Kyungsoo by the kitchen.

"Aren't you just pretending to be happy?" he suddenly said that surprised the elder.


"I can see through your fake smile. Something is bothering you. You're not truly happy", he interrupted him and Baekhyun continued to stare surprised at him, not knowing what to reply. He was left speechless and didn't know what to say. He didn't want to lie to him, but he also didn't want to tell the younger. Could he really tell that something was up? I thought I was hiding it pretty good. "You don't have to tell me, but let me tell you that if there's anything you want to share or talk about, I'm here. I'll listen to you if you'd ever want to tell anyone".

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