Chapter 2

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Y/n Pov-

I was walking around my room and looking at how Yukari barely changed it.

"I hope you don't mind.."I hear Yukari say

"Hm?Mind what?"

"M-me,living in your room.."

"Nah,You're fine. I don't mind it"I said as I sat on the bed next to Yukari

"Ok,thats good." She said as she cuddled next to me

"I missed you so much Yukari."

"Me too."

I started to rub her back in circles,comforting her.

"Hey Yukari,do you wanna go get ice cream?"I ask

"Mhm"she hummed as well as she nodded

"Alright,lets let my parents know and we can go."

"alright"she said before getting her shoes on,as I just put on some sandals

We went down and told my parents that I would be taking Yukari to get ice cream.

"Alright,but don't disappear on us."

"I won't, but for a warning. If I randomly disappear for an hour or two its because business calls in Gehenna"

"Alright.It's kinda funny how the king of the people I'm supposed to destroy is my son.."Dad said while chuckling

"Well,cya"I say before we walk out the door

"So you're really the king of Gehenna?"

"Yep, and it's actually a pretty cool place now that I'm the king. It's a lot more human friendly then ya think."I said as I remembered how it was at first and how it is now.


"Hey sweety what you doin hanging around this jackass? He's bound to break your heart."

"Excuse me?"I ask with my demonic voice showing

"Hah!you think making some sort of voice will scare me?!Man your funny!"I then realized who he was,the son of Reiji.

"So your the son of Reiji eh?"

"Yeah,whats it to you?"He said before I cracked my knuckles

"I want you to send your dear old dad a message."

"How about no?"

"Hard way it is then."I say before I snapped and my appearance shifted for a second(Like how in the show 'Lucifer' Lucifer shows his devil face for a split second)

"Oh holy shit!"He shouted as he ran back

"I guess the message will have to wait"

"Hey Y/n,what was that all about."

"Nothin,just one of my demons wanted me to give a message to Reiji."

"Oh,Well lets go!"She said as we were drawing closer to the ice cream parlor

We got there and I saw Yukari fawning over all different types of ice cream

"Hey Yukari,how's the family?"

"Oh,its good. Did you know,Y/n's back!"She said as she clung to my arm"

"Oh,where did you go young man?"

"Just a sudden business trip."

"Hm?Whats the business"

"Ah its nothin really,just a traveling thing. I go to different countries,come back. Ya know,that kinda stuff"

"Oh,whats it called"

"Well it was originally called 'Illuminati' because we traveled to try to figure out the paranormal"

'Damn,I suck at lying..'I thought

"Oh,Well good luck with the business. And to celebrate your return lets get you two lovebirds some ice cream. On the house."

"Let me at least give you two dollars like the ice cream trucks"

"Nah,its on the house for a reason"

"Alright,but you're sure?"


"Ok,I'l have the...Death by chocolate"

"Of course,you and you're top notch diets."He joked

"Hey my diets perfectly fine!"I replied with sarcasm

"Yeah yeah,what about you Yukari?"

"I think I'l just steal some of y/n's plus a strawberry ice cream."

"Alrighty."He said as he prepared our ice creams

"Really,why you gotta take some of mine?"

"Because you have been gone too long and I think I deserve it for handling it well."

"I guess you're right.."

We sat down in a booth and started to talk about random stuff

"Hey,I'ma go talk with the manager about something special. I promise I'l be back in a few minutes"


"Pinky."i say as I interlock my pinky with hers

"Alright"She said as she watched me go into the back

"Hey,Sam."I say as I close the door to see sam waiting

"Hey king,you needed something?"


"OK,what is it?"

"I need you to slow down time until I'm back"


"Thanks"I said as I opened the back door of the back room and I ran to a jewelry store,I made a temporary bubble of time to where anything inside the bubble moves regularly

"Hey,I'd like the amethyst ring right there,and the one emerald ring with an eye slit"

"Alright,That will be..$890.68"

I got out my wallet and put a $900 on the table

"Keep the change"I say as I grab the boxes with rings and I placed the one with a slit in my left jacket pocket and the amethyst in my right

-Time skip back to the ice cream parlor-

"Ok,I'm back"

"Alright"He said as he snapped and time resumed

"Thank you Sam,you may go"

"Ok,cya king"


I went back out and sat at the booth

"What did you talk to him about

"It's a surprise~"I say teasing her

She pouted cutely and our ice cream arrived just then. We started to eat the ice cream and I silently snapped(it sounded more like a scrape)

(Oh by the way you and Yukari are almost  16,I upped your guys' age because of plot)

A light shined on us,making Yukari jump slightly,as I smirk

The manager had already known I was planning this,because he just so happened to be a demon.

"Yukari Sendo,"I said before reaching into my jacket and grabbing the amethyst ring box"Would you marry me?"I asked as I got on one knee

"I...I.....I would love to!"She said as she hugged the living death out of me

"air..Need...air."she loosened her grip as I slipped her ring on her ring finger(duh) and I put my emerald ring on mine

'This is it,I finally proposed.'I thought

-the screen slowly faded to black as bright blue flaming words said-


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