part 2.

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Felicity was spending her second night alone when she heard some muffled noise from the porch. She had already wore one of Oliver’s T-shirt and pink shorts and was halfway to fell asleep so she didn’t give much attention. She rolled to her other side when the front door opened and someone came into the house. Felicity jumped out of the bed as silently as she could manage and was looking for some weapon when she saw her long-forgotten yellow umbrella near the closet. When that certain someone opened the bedroom door she acted fast and hit the intruder on his head as hard as she could.

“What the hell, Felicity?!” the man shouted in a really familiar voice but Felicity was so freaked out she squeaked in awe and poked him on the stomach with the tip of the umbrella. She jumped back to the bedside table and turned on the lamp. The room was lit up and Felicity recognized a groaning Oliver laying on the floor.

“Oliver, what the hell are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to come home tomorrow.” Felicity started while she was helping him up from the rug to his feet. He still bent forward from the attack to his abdomen and his breathing was laboured while he stared at her in disbelief. “You didn’t just leave the investors there, do you? You can’t do this, you are the CEO of Queen Consolidated! What if the board of executives fire you, especially after you finally won back the company from Ray? It’s your name on the building so nobody can fire you, obviously, but you just can’t act like a lovesick overprotective teenager! Not as if you look like a teenager, you are kinda handsome and a 15-year-old doesn’t have abs like yours…” she blushed and looked at her sock-clad feet in mortification. “I can’t understand why don’t you stop me when I’m rambling.”

After some minutes in silence Oliver abruptly blurted out again. “What the hell?” and straighted up with the help of the door. “The alarm system was off and I thought you are hurt or somebody came in and… he stopped suddenly with an amused expression crossed his features “Did you just hit me with an umbrella?"

She looked down at the said weapon that she still had been clutching “Yeah looks like that.” she said in complete shock before she really could grasp the situation “Oh my God you okay?” a breathy laugh left his mouth and lowered his aching body on the bed with Felicity on his side in a second, a worried frown on her face “I didn’t break your ribs, do I? Or your head, I’m so sorry, Oliver! Do you see two of me? Feel dizzy? Should I call an ambulance? What if you have a concussion? Say something!”

“Felicity, breathe” Oliver interrupted her with a pointed look and with a hand on her mouth. He couldn’t really hide his amusement anymore and had a broad grin on his face. “I’m okay, just heavy breathing. I should have said something but I didn’t know if you’re okay or not” by the time he stopped speaking Felicity had dropped the umbrella with a loud thud and had thrown herself at him. When he hissed from pain she pulled back immediately.

“I am so sorry. I may have turned it off when I took out the rubbish and I didn’t noticed.” looked up at Oliver sheepishly. “But you still haven’t told me how you came home earlier.”

“I didn’t leave them like a lovesick teenager.” he winked at her and watched as she bit down on her lower lip “We had the meeting and discussed everything about S.T.A.R. Labs using some of our high-tech gadgets from the Applied Sciences Department for doing something… high-tech. I didn’t really understood and when Barry started explaining it to me it had just gotten worse.”

“But you were nice to him, right? Didn’t go all grumpy and anything? Because he was so cute when I told him you will visit I don’t want him to be disappointed in you.” she caressed his hand that was placed on her thigh.

“I try not to take that as an insult but you know it’s really hard. After you attacked me with an umbrella… I think I need to lay down.” said Oliver and leaned down the sheets and in the process pulled Felicity with him. He made himself comfortable on the cushions and wrapped his arms around her waist and sighed. “I didn’t think you could be this bad-ass without a computer.”

“Oh come on, you were the one who came home at two in the morning and scared the shit out of me!” she stroked side of his neck and he kissed her temple “And I can’t wait today morning to tell Diggle and Roy that I beat the big, scary Arrow with a simple umbrella. It’s really hilarious.”

Felicity couldn’t even finish the sentence before she found herself rolled over to her back with a smirking Oliver on top of her “ What made you think that you will leave this bed in the morning? Or all day tomorrow?” He kissed her tenderly and Felicity forgot everything not Oliver-related.

After that they didn’t talk much about the topic but in the morning when they laid in each other’s arms, limbs entangled and they noticed the shattered umbrella they burst out laughing at the same time. Definitely a good story to tell to their future kids.

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