chapter two: beauty

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But Man was weak and grew up in fear, yearning for their Mother.

Endless prayers strived to reach the heavens,

Wanting to be heard and granted.

Still, the Goddess was deep in slumber and could do nothing;

Leaving her children to suffer alone.


"Do you stare out this window every day, sire?"

The paladin wondered aloud, her auburn hair neatly braided and draping over her shoulder. She walked to the foot of his throne, the sound of clanking armor echoing throughout the room. She was starting to worry.

"It's become a habit," the King answered back, he watched the morning rainfall trail the down the image of their Mother.

Are you crying?

How long will they wait?

"Lisa, I need you to escort a wagon of supplies to the northwest village, Tear," he requested.

"Tear?" Lisa blinked her eyes; it's a name she's unfamiliar with. Actually, she's not quite certain whether she's even heard of the village or not.

"It's a small village, well hidden, so be sure not to miss it," the man warned, leaning his back against the cold wall but his eyes never left the window. Not once.

And Lisa seems to think it's become more than a habit. Almost, an obsession perhaps.

"Of course, sire," she nodded, though she felt the need to question further. "But why you are sending this wagon?"

His arms folded across his chest and a crease drew between his brows, as if he was contemplating, trying to choose the right words. Only saying what he needed to and nothing more.

Not a word more.

"A gift," he spoke softly, "and if you have time, please send my thanks to the priest of their temple."


Jisoo locked the entrance of the west wing prison, her keys dangling around the ring as she turns it within the lock. Safely, she tucked it away in her pocket as she made her way towards the cells, her wet footsteps marking the floor. Sure enough, the woman was still there, sitting idly against the wall.

You are the only one allowed in there. Always lock the door when you enter and when you leave.

No one else is to see her.

She pulls away the damp hair, removing the strands which stick to her face as she sits herself down on the same seat as yesterday, her clothes still dripping endlessly. She sneezes and it's enough of an excuse to curse this weather.

"Ugh, I hate the rain," Jisoo sniffs, using the back of her hand to wipe beneath her nose.


Her ears perk to the unfamiliar soft voice and her brows arch, surprised that the woman was not silent today.

"So you do talk?" Jisoo smirks immediately, turning her chair to face the woman gazing at her with big dark eyes. And somehow it makes her feel self-conscious. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

But she was ignored; the woman only persisted with her own question.

"Why do you hate the rain?"

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