The Night

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 I was still traumatized by the bus accident I was involved in, looking at the horrific images of bodies and mutilated people. I was staring at the ceiling wondering why this happened to me, and then I dozed off the sleep. 

Now my dream begins...

I was walking alone in the woods, where the sounds of various animals spooks me. It was fairly dark in the forest, with only the moonlight to keep the place lit. I was exhausted, troubled, worried, and I cried for help. Suddenly, a well groomed figure approached me, which resembled a clean haircut, and a clean outfit. As he got closer, he started to look familiar, until I realized, it was Dr. Murphy. What was he doing here? "H-hi, are you okay?", he asked. I only responded with a groan. He gave a gentle smile while he assisted me up. He then gave me an apple, and said, "I don't need this, so I am giving it to you, so you won't starve.", and I nervously took the apple from his shaky hand. We then walked around the forest, and Dr. Murphy was talking to me about the smell of the pine trees. I felt like I was in paradise, it felt like I fell in love. I was then rudely woken up by a tall doctor in the middle of the night. "Hi, my name is Dr. Colye! I have seen you have been in an accident! Can you remember anything?". I replied with a yes, and then he walked away. Now I have to wait to go back to sleep. A few minutes after staring at a wall, I heard footsteps approach my room, so I had to act natural. I then find the doctor being Dr. Murphy, that guy who appeared in my dreams. "Hello, are you having a good sleep! Are you in REM stage 2?", asked the strange doctor. I did not answer with any words, but with a sad look in my eyes. "Your eyes are telling me that you are sad about something. What is the problem that made you sad?", asked the doctor. I replied with a little lie," Oh, nothing. I just miss my boyfriend...". Dr. Murphy shouted," But he is arrogant. Why do you have a good feeling of him?". I was annoyed by his questions he was asking, so I told him to leave, and then he replied with, "Okay.". 

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