My Crush

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 It was now the morning, and I was analyzing that dream that I just had. What the hell is with that doctor, why am I thinking about him? After a few minutes, I realized something. I have found someone else to love, another guy to pursue. This guy is more caring, sensitive, and painfully honest, and is not even afraid to be himself. His name was .... Dr. Shaun Murphy. He was the doctor who was standing right next to me when I got hurt. Then, the tall doctor from last night came in. I quickly called him over, and said that I needed to thank Dr. Murphy. He quietly agreed, and then called in Dr. Murphy. I looked at him, with his ocean blue eyes, his bushy eyebrows, and clean hair, and I wanted to hear his voice. "H-hi, is anything wrong, your heart and lungs are fine, you are not dying!", said the guy. "Dr. Murphy, thank you!", I said. "Your welcome!", the doctor said in his adorable and unique voice. I reassured,". I didn't want to tell Dr. Murphy about my feelings for him yet, I might get a replacement doctor, and he might not reciprocate. It is just weird that a freak accident would lead me to a cuter guy. I am starting to think the universe caused this bus accident because I deserved someone better. That is why I felt strangely comforted by him. He was .... different. I can see it in his ocean blue eyes. I am starting to think this is a joke, a bus accident, and then I meet some weird guy! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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