Between Time & Space

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  • Dedicated to Childhood Friend

My guitar, is only for you

The melody that runs across my fingers as I play

Drives me insane with so many thoughts of you

Forgive me if I sound cliche

But you were the only one in the world for me

You had my back

And I stood by you

You were the most amazing friend I could have asked for

We knew each other for so many years

After all that time, we've been separated

Between time and space

Like two siblings that never saw eye to eye

Yet always knew what the other was thinking.

As we got older

We grew out of the games we used to play

Can we ever go back to that time?

Where it was just you and me

And plenty of smiles

Our innocent yet perplex personalities

I wish we could go back

Our secrets that we kept

Our bitter tears as we wept over everlasting friendship

But, overall we always remained the same

Kind, generous, and naive all the more

When we will ever meet again,

I don't know

But all I could ever ask for is that

If we ever meet again in this lifetime

For you to be happy

For you to be laughing

And for you to forget about me.

Remembering me will only bring pain,

Scars, and bruises that don't need to be dug up

If, I could just see your bright face one more time

I feel like we could truly be best friends forever.

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