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Can a person live all alone?

Loneliness causes a strong desire to form relationships.

Years and years of loneliness can turn anyone cold. It hardens their hearts, and makes them angry with the source of that loneliness. Whether it comes from a situation, a person, a group of individuals, or even themselves.

It brings about depression, anger, resentment, and longing...

And for what reason?

Because us humans aren't meant to be alone. We weren't designed to be without companionship. It isn't in our nature, and never will be.

Even if there were some people who are generally antisocial and claim to hate "people". If you were to leave that person by themselves on an island to spend the rest of his/her days would they be happy? No contact with civilization. Cut off from the rest of the world. Completely isolated.

Would a person be satisfied with that kind of life?

The answer is obviously no.

That person would go insane and perhaps begin talking to animals or fish to stop himself from losing the will to live.

No, I don't believe humans are meant to live this life alone. They are meant to have interactions and connections with others. They yearn for it.

That's why when we lose, or break connection with others it hurts so deeply. A lose of life. Breaking up with a lover. Even something so small as your favorite barista at a coffee place leaving the job can bring a small pain to your heart.

Why? Because you lost that connection to that person.

Even though losing a loved one will hurt far more than missing the kindness of a customer service worker doing their job... It will still affect you in some way.

They lost the connection they had with that person.

How does one deal with loneliness? Do they become angry and curse at the world around them?  Do they find someone to blame? Do they close up their heart, so that no one can touch it again?

Everyone feels lonely at some point in their life, and everyone's story is different...

This is a story of a lonely soul who felt the world was against him. He experienced so much pain and anger that he no longer knew how to love. He pushed everyone away and hated those who made him feel worthless, but there was one person who kept pushing past the boundaries he'd spent years building. Till there was none left...

And he had everything to lose.

This is also a story of another man who had the world at his fingertips. He always felt he could accomplish anything he set his mind to. A very loving man who was always surrounded by people that loved and adored him. He had everything, but his devotion caused him to lose the one person who he promised he would not let go of.


I was just a guy who tried to turn his life around. I had finally got a fresh start and broaden opportunities. I was so used to being alone that I forgot how it felt to have someone truly care about you. It was unexpected, but I couldn't stop it once it started. I landed right in the battlefield of two stubborn men.

I fell in love.

I got my heart broken.

I found a new purpose...

This is my story of how I found my happiness and the person who cured my loneliness. It was wild how we got to this point, but I wouldn't change a thing.

The One That Stayed (Gemini x Fourth)Where stories live. Discover now