Chapter One

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"Hey Gabs! Will you get that table for me? I'm kind of in a bad situation." I looked at Caroline, one of my co-workers, holding a stack load of dirty plates. "Oh sure thing!" She gave me a nod and walked off to the kitchen. I smoothed down my poodle skirt and pulled out my best smile and walked over to the family.

"Welcome to 50s Groovy Johnny's! Can I start you guys off with some drinks?" I smiled at the family of four. I'm assuming the two cuddling were the parents and the guy stuck on his cellphone was the son and the little girl was his sister.

"Water for all would be fine. But for my wife, she will have an iced tea." he said. I nodded and wrote it down on my note pad.

"Daddy, can I have a milkshake?" The little girl asked. The father looked like he was about to say no but gave in. "Yes, sweetie. Did you get that?" He looked toward me and I nodded.

"We have chocolate and strawberry, which would you like sweetheart?" I glanced at the adorable little girl. She thought hard of what to choose. Then it hit her. "Can I have a mix?" She smiled. I laughed and nodded.

"Wow, you guys really 50s things up here in this restaurant, huh?" His wife asked looking around, amazed.

"You got that right ma'am." I looked down at what I was wearing. A pink poodle skirt with a tucked in white tight shirt. We were also required to wear blue eye shadow and red lipstick. I don't mind the clothes but wearing blue eye shadow and lipstick is just too much. I'm more of a light make-up kind of person. Like lip gloss and light eyeshadow. I wore a pink head band and had on black heeled sandals.

"Be sure to also check out the dance floor. Maybe you lovely couple got some moves you can bust out?" I smiled. They laughed except the guy that's about a year older than me? His face was glued to his cellphone. Probably texting a girl or something. Guys usually concentrate while they text girls. "I'll be back with your drinks." I walked towards the kitchen and gathered three cups and filled two with water and the other with iced tea. I began on making the milkshake and mixing it with chocolate and strawberries. I squirted whipped cream on top and added a little cherry at the top. I set the drinks on the tray and walked back to the table.

"Here's your guys' water and your iced tea ma'am." She carefully grabbed the cup and gave me a thank you smile. "And here's your milkshake doll face." I was about to set the milkshake down next to the girl when one of the waiters bumped into me and I spilled some of the milkshake on the guys phone. Oops.

"My phone!" The guy yelled. he stood up probably ready to pound me in the face. I grabbed the towel in my pocket and started wiping his phone and apologizing at the same time. I didn't want to die!

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean too!" I dabbed the phone. The waiter behind me also was apologizing to me for bumping into me.

"Alexander, you can get a new one back at home. It's not a big deal." his father said. How isn't it a big deal? It was the iPhone 5 for Pete sake! It's a really big deal!

"You are gonna pay you bitch!" He growled then looked up from his phone to me and froze. But he's not the only one that froze because I did too. He was gorgeous! He had the most beautiful grey eyes that you couldn't take your own eyes off of. Not to mention, his dark hair that was hard to tell if it was black or not which was that was gelled up to have that sexy look. This guy was off the hook.

"Alexander Reed , watch your language!" His mom blurted out. He looked at his mom and gave an apologetic look, then looked back at me. I thought he was gonna sock me right then and there. But nothing happened. He just kept staring.

"I-I" The guy stuttered. We both couldn't take our eyes off of each other. It was like we we're hypnotized.

"I'm really really sorry sir. It won't happen again. I'll even pay you back for a new one!" I apologized again. Damn if I paid him back I wouldn't have enough money for dinner. I sighed.

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