Chapter Two

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Alex led me to a small park which has a slide, monkey bars, merry-go-round, and swings. I have never been here in my entire life... And I live here! I was really amazed at how old this place looked. My eyes swarmed around the small park with interest. Alex then ruined my moment by pulling me over to the swings to sit down. He pushed me on the swing as if I were five again. Oh the memories...

"So tell me about yourself." His question coming out randomly. I was kind of confused but then realized that I was suppose to answer.

"What's there to tell about myself? Other than I'm a klutz." I joked. He thought it was funny as well since I pretty much was one. After the whole milkshake incident.

"Go for the basics. Like age, favorite food, favorite color, siblings, family, pets, embarrassing moments, serious boy friends, that kind of basic." He grinned at me. His smile was just so mesmerizing I wanted to touch it. But that's really creeper-like.

"Isn't that a little to personal? Besides, we just met like less than 2 hours ago? For all I know you might be my stalker!" I said jokingly.

He just looked at me and paused then laughed. It made me smile just seeing him laugh. “Well, you did come here with me didn’t you?” he teased.

“Err, yea you’re right...” I said embarrassed. It was silent but Alex broke it.

"Fine. Then I'll start. I'm 18 years-old, my favorite color is Red, and you probably already know that I have an annoying little sister." He laughed. "But she is the best little sister too me. My parents own a bakery, I have a cat named Simba," that I smiled at because I LOVE cats! "I've never had an embarrassing moment and I've never had a serious girlfriend. Now its your turn." he smirked acting all tough. I rolled my eyes at him and sighed.

"Well... I'm 17 years-old, my favorite color is blue. Not just any kind of blue. But cerulean blue. Its calming and makes the world brighter." I stared at the ground smiling. "I have no siblings but a half sister that I've never met in my entire life. My parents... T-they are divorced... My dad left my mom and I when I was little. I try to not think about it." I forced myself not to cry when this topic comes up. "I had a seven cats but we had to give them away because my mom never liked them." I laughed to myself. Alex just smiled at me. I was surprised that he was actually listening. I continued, "The most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me? Promise not to laugh okay?" I asked him and he stuck out his pinkie. Which was really cheesy in my opinion.

"I pinkie promise." he said in a childish voice. I smiled and hooked my pinkie to his.

"When I was little, I walked into the boys bathroom when I was in third grade and found out that boys didn't go to the bathroom the same way as how the girls did." Alex just burst out laughing. My face began to heat up and I can feel the blush climbing its way up. I glared at him and slapped him against his shoulder.

"Its not funny!" I gave him a death glare. I was only little how was I suppose to know that guys pee standing up... He just continued laughing.

"I-it is f-funny!" He said still laughing. I got off the swing and started walking towards the monkey bars and climbed up it so I sat at the top. And made sure I was facing away from him. I was acting like a kid. 

"Gabbie..." he called out but I ignored him. "Gabs!" he called a second time and I still gave him no answer. I was a pro at the silent treatment. "C'mon... Gabbie... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to laugh." His voice was getting closer. I hooked my legs under the bar and bent backwards so I was hanging upside down like a possum. 

My eyes widened because I didn't know he was that close. His face was close to my face when I hung down. But his eyes. They were so beautiful and so sincere. I was literally speechless and lost my glare.

"Look, I'm sorry I laughed at you... Really..." His eyes went down to my lips and back to my eyes. It felt like he had gotton closer. My head started to hurt from hanging upside down. We never left eye contact not even a quick glance somewhere. He got closer and our noses were almost touching. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2014 ⏰

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